Mexican heat will save us! Coronavirus does not resist high temperatures says Sectur

Although it is believed that this virus can reach the state through a cruise, an unlikely situation, it would not resist the weather that is already beginning to rise in the state.

Sinaloa.- The coronavirus is unlikely to reach Sinaloa through cruises, mainly because this infectious gene does not resist temperatures higher than 26 degrees Celsius, Alfonso Gil Díaz, director of Strategic Projects of the Ministry of Tourism in Sinaloa, presumed. .

And he added that if a probable case is found on a cruise ship in the world, the ship’s personnel are responsible for isolating it and serving it to protect the other passengers, and if we talk about Sinaloa when ships originating in China are received, they first arrive at the United States to be inspected by health officials.

“As I have been informed the virus does not survive the heat, the minimum is 26 degrees and here we are then a short time to reach 26 degrees, that is, the temperature will help us a lot so that the virus does not occur, and the cruise lines take their precautions, they don’t want a passenger to infect others, ”he said.

In addition, Gil Díaz clarified that on the cruise that was rejected to disembark in Jamaica for presuming that there was a person suffering from coronavirus, and that he arrived to Mexico on Wednesday night, it was already ruled out that it is a case of the new disease.

“Grand Cayman and Jamaica denied him the berthing, which the company must not be very happy about. and that I believe that in the future that will affect them because it was an arbitrariness to deny it to a ship that does not have a reason to disembark, ”he said.

Therefore, the official said that this situation can be beneficial for the country, for having received the cruise ship, as well as for Sinaloa, which may send future larger cruises, remembering that it would be beneficial for them because of the hot weather here.

Will warming spring temperatures slow the coronavirus outbreak?

Flu season generally subsides in April and March, but will the coronavirus go with it? Past coronavirus outbreaks can offer clues.

WHETHER THE CORONAVIRUS that’s quickly spreading around the world will follow the flu season and subside with spring’s arrival is unsatisfyingly uncertain, and many scientists say it’s too soon to know how the dangerous virus will behave in warmer weather.

Dozens of viruses exist in the coronavirus family, but only seven afflict humans. Four are known to cause mild colds in people, while others are more novel, deadly, and thought to be transmitted from animals like bats and camels. Health officials have labeled this new virus SARS-CoV-2 and its disease COVID-19.

The prospect that summer could stave off a pandemic is enticing. Earlier this month, President Donald Trump tweeted about China’s efforts to contain the virus, saying they would be successful, “especially as the weather starts to warm.”

Viruses that cause influenza or milder coronavirus colds do tend to subside in warmer months because these types of viruses have what scientists refer to as “seasonality,” so the president’s comments have some scientific backing. But it’s highly uncertain that SARS-CoV-2 will behave the same way. Those currently studying the disease say their research is too early to predict how the virus will respond to changing weather. (See how coronavirus compares to flu, Ebola and other outbreaks.)

“I hope it will show seasonality, but it’s hard to know,” says Stuart Weston, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, where the virus is being actively studied.

As of Tuesday morning, more than 80,000 coronavirus cases had been confirmed in 34 different countries, with experts saying the disease is likely to keep spreading.

Generally, what do we know about viruses?

At the most basic level, you can think of flu and coronaviruses as a collection of proteins and lipids. They pass from person to person via physical contact, but they can also exist on hard surfaces or in the cough of a sick person’s respiratory droplets.

Once outside a human body, external forces will cause the virus to deteriorate. The alcohol in hand sanitizer, for example, breaks down these proteins and lipids, making the virus less stable and less likely to successfully cause an infection. (Once your body’s infected, this is what coronavirus does.)

There is a scientific basis for some of Trump’s comments, as many respiratory viruses ebb in spring and summer, possibly because the warmer, wetter conditions hamper viral spread. But it’s unknown if that applies to the new coronavirus — and it wouldn’t be that the virus “miraculously goes away.”

Seasonality of Some Viruses

Numerous human viruses, including influenza and some other coronaviruses (there are several), are seasonal, typically striking in the cooler months, with cases declining as summer nears. Scientists aren’t exactly sure why this happens, but one of the prevailing theories is that it’s because of the weather. 

“We know that some respiratory viruses in the air or on surfaces lose their ability to infect cells under warmer and moderately humid conditions,” Linsey Marr, a professor of civil and environmental engineering at Virginia Tech, said in an email. 

Marr, who has studied viral survival under different environmental conditions, said the mechanism for this is unknown — and could involve various parts of the virus, including the viral envelope, surface proteins or genome — but there appears to be something about the colder, drier air that allows some viruses to better survive and spread. “Once the weather warms up, conditions are not as favorable for virus survival,” she said.

Several studies have found that absolute humidity in particular may be especially important in driving some of these effects. Absolute humidity, Harvard epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch explained, is essentially the amount of moisture in the air. “This is always low when it’s cold because cold air can’t hold much water or it will start to rain,” he said in an email.

Lipsitch is a co-author on a paper that found in models of seasonal flu, outbreaks in temperate regions tend to start once absolute humidity levels fall.

Beyond direct interactions between the environment and the virus, seasonality of certain viruses could also be due to social factors, such as the school calendar or indoor crowding, as well as changes in a person’s immune system.

Experiments in mice, for instance, have shown that inhalation of dry air may weaken the immune response against influenza infection. Some scientists have also suspected that in the winter, less sun exposure could lead to lower vitamin D levels, which could then potentially reduce the body’s ability to fight off a virus.

Marr said there wasn’t yet a consensus among scientists about what leads some viruses to be seasonal — and it could be a mix of factors. “It could be due to differences in virus survival in air and on surfaces and/or it could be due to seasonal changes in people’s immune function,” she said. “This is an area of active research.”

David Fisman, an epidemiologist at the University of Toronto, agreed, noting that the drivers of viral seasonality are “often hard to identify with certainty as so many environmental and behavioral factors change in tandem.”

Source: linea directa,,

The Mazatlan Post