Attempted rape of UAdeO student on the Mazatlan Malecon

Companions of the victim raised their voice to ask the authorities for greater security, as there have been several similar cases of sexual harassment in the vicinity of the campus

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- For frequent sexual assaults and robberies towards the university community, this Thursday, a large group of students from various schools in Mazatlan, met outside the Autonomous University of the West, to demand that the authorities improve their strategies of security in the school zones of the port.

Since this Monday it became known, that a fourth-semester student, who was sitting in front of the school on the boardwalk, was pulled from the legs to the sand so that a man who was already with the pants down, tried to abuse sexually from her, however, the victim managed to send a message to her classmates, who immediately went out to help her.

Therefore, Emiliano Sánchez, a member of the student society of the UAdeO, expressed his concern for other university students who are being violated around the university.

We are not talking about someone who went to a club, we are not talking about someone who was in the isolated area of ​​the mountains, we are talking about a woman who is in class hours, in front of sunlight, in the wonderful Mazatlan beach, tried to be violated, so we need a response from the authority that includes effective work, infrastructure, education to the population and zero tolerance to these situations. ”

Likewise, the young people who demonstrated spoke of more situations that the students have experienced, since they pointed out, on the same day of the aggression, another man who was showing his sexual organs, chased three women near the school; That without counting the kidnapping attempt that other of his companions experienced.

Therefore, the deputy director of the UAdeO, Luis Jiménez, spoke about it, who said that the tourist police have already been called to implement security patrols, as well as alternatives for student protection.

“What we have done is that we have reported the facts constituting a crime to the authorities, which is why they gave us a conference to the students, they committed themselves here to the institution to provide us with more rondines and they taught the students the Mazatlan application that facilitate public services to the inhabitants ”.

Unfortunately, the protesters said they were not satisfied with this intervention since they also demanded that there be a follow-up on the issue so that the situation does not happen again among the students; due to the high concern that the students presented for the violent companion, who also obtained numerous blows to her body when she tried to defend herself.

Source: linea directa

The Mazatlan Post