A group of researchers announced the growth that the average growth of the 9 entities governed by the PAN has been 4.2% in the last 5 years, which is twice the country’s growth.
The group called Mexico, how are we doing ?, reported the growth of each state in Mexico in the last 5 years, of which 9 entities governed by National Action have registered an increase of 4.2%, that is, double the rest of the country.
The fastest-growing economies in the country are those governed by the Association of National Action Governors (GOAN). Baja California Sur registers an average annual growth of 8.4% followed by Aguascalientes with 5.8%, Quintana Roo and Querétaro with 4.9%. Guanajuato presents 4.1%, while Yucatan records 3.8, Chihuahua follows with 3.6%; Durango and Tamaulipas grew 1.2%.
Source> cronica.com.mx
The Mazatlan Post