Volaris brings aid to the Bahamas due to Hurricane Dorian


The Mexican airline Volaris joined forces with the National Disaster and Emergency Assistance Committee (CADENA) to bring support to 1,500 people affected in Abaco, Bahamas, by Hurricane Dorian, which reached winds of up to 300 km / h.

Volaris stands out for being a Socially Responsible Company, committed to humanitarian action, which is why, in view of the urgent need for help in Abaco, it managed the round flights of the members of the CADENA GO Team, specialized in rescue within collapsed structures and white waters, as well as high altitude rescue, in confined spaces, civil protection, and other emergencies.

Volaris supported the mission with the transfer of three rescuers and a psychologist to reach the Bahamas, via Miami. The GO Team of Chain delivered 418 solar lamps and provided physical and mental assistance to 83 people.

It should be noted that Hurricane Dorian touched the Bahamas in early September, and has been to date the strongest weather phenomenon in whipping the archipelago. Its impact caused that around one million people were displaced and more than 13 thousand homes disappeared. The airline participates with CADENA through the donation of flights so that its volunteers can support emergencies and natural disasters.

Source: nitu

The Mazatlan Post