Mazatlan Directorate of Ecology and Environment fines shops and convenience stores for dumping garbage


Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- In the last 45 days, the Directorate of Ecology and Environment has issued 60 fines for breaches of the Sustainable Development Regulations of the Municipality of Mazatlan, Lourdes Sanjuan Gallardo reported.

The director of the department explained that it is the garbage of some convenience stores mainly, which are thrown into the avenues thus affecting the residents of the place. 

The sanctions issued range from 35 to 75 UMAS, which is equivalent to 2 thousand 957 pesos minimum, up to 6 thousand 337 pesos, approximately, maximum.

“Fines that we have exercised in cash only to businesses 60; they deposit it in neighboring streets, that is the most worrying thing. They have to pay their collection, so if they pay for the collection of their garbage, Urban garbage collection is committed to providing the service, but if you leave it in the street of the neighbor then it becomes a real problem, “said Sanjuan Gallardo. 

As for the notifications, she commented that little more than 40 have been made, to owners of vacant lots that need to be cleaned.
The owner also reported cases of poisoning of dogs, cats, and trees, in two colonies of the port, so she calls on citizens to avoid these actions and report in case of witnessing it. 

“We call the citizens to make their complaint and do not do these actions because they are leading us to a very complicated, difficult situation. Mazatlan is right now in the vision of everyone …”, she concluded.

In the last 45 days:

60 penalties

40 notifications

2 correspond to house room

The main ones are shops such as pharmacies, shoe stores, and convenience stores.

Source: Dirección de Ecología y Medio Ambiente

The Mazatlan Post