Complaints persist against timeshare sales in Mazatlan


In the summer holiday season, about 11 complaints have been received but all have been given a refund, notes the Capta

Mazatlan, Sinaloa.- So far this summer vacation season, the Tourist Assistance and Protection Center, CAPTA, has received about 11 complaints related to non-compliance in timeshares, said Astrid Macías Fregoso, holder of said dependency.

“They have been few, but the few we have had have been ‘favorable’, because we have had a response from the service provider once we intervene, I could give you an amount of about 10 – 11 cases since we started this holiday, It has to do specifically with timeshares, that at the moment their money has been returned in full, because once they fail there is no negotiation, “he explained.

Image result for opc sales in mexico

The municipal official recommended to those who like to make use of a tourist service to make the purchase directly with staff that is inside an establishment and not on the street and, also, be informed about what they are going to buy, this in order to avoid fraud.

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In this regard, he announced that last Tuesday an operation was carried out headed by the Mayor’s Office where they “placed” four modules that offered tourist services such as catamarans, because they did not have the corresponding permit.

On the other hand, he revealed that there have been no reports of robberies to tourists, but that there have been conflicts between couples where it has been necessary the intervention of the authorities and their channeling to other government agencies.

OPCs are the aggressive sellers that you will meet every time you arrive in Mazatlan. They are found in airports, restaurants, which are on the beach and in the streets. Their job is to offer tourists gifts and have them attend a timeshare presentation. Some people say that ruin the holidays and they are a plague in Mazatlan. Others point out that OPCs are a vital part of the economy. Love them or hate them, they are some of the most colorful in Mazatlan.

Source: reaccion informatia

The Mazatlan Post