Mexican slang words you need to know


By John Bordonaro

Want to know some Mexican slang words for your next trip here to Mexico? These Mexican slang words will have you speaking like the locals in no time. Or at least understand what they’re saying.

Once you know the slang, you’ll hear it all the time. So try some out and see how you go!! But be careful which words you use. Some can be very offensive…

There are a few more vulgar swear words at the end too.

Mexican Slang

Wey/Güey – Means dude. The number one Mexican slang word used with young men. You will hear this word everywhere on the streets and in bars with locals. Like, hows it going wey? What are you doing tonight wey? No wey, you can’t do that wey. You’re crazy wey. Only used amongst best friends.

Que onda – How’s it going? Whats up? The most popular way to say ‘hows it going’ with friends. Can also use ‘Que tal?’ and ‘Que paso

No manches!! – ‘No way!’ or ‘You can’t be serious’. If someone tells you something incredible or bad has happened, or a story you don’t believe, you will say ‘No manches!

Aguas!! – Look out!! If you hear someone yell out ‘Aguas!!‘, they’re telling you something is about to hit you, or quick, get out of the way.

Estoy crudo – I’m hungover. Not slang, but one you will use if you plan on partying in Mexico and feeling a bit rough the next day. ‘Estoy crudo. Tomé desmasiado anoche‘ I’m hungover. I drank too much last night.

Que padre – That’s awesome/really good. If someone tells you some good news or shows you something good. Say, ‘Que Padre‘. Could also say ‘Que chido‘ but only with good friends.

Chingon – The informal/cool way to say something is awesome, the best or super good. ‘Es chingon‘ Its awesome. Used with close friends.

Fresa – Literally means strawberry, but is used talk about someone who is a bit upper-class, stuck up, snob or who thinks they are a bit better than everyone else. Wears fancy clothes, eats at fancy restaurants, criticises people lesser than them. ‘Ella es muy fresa‘. She is very stuck up.

Chela – Beer. ‘Quieres una chela?’ Do you want a beer?

Mande – Repeat that. When you didn’t hear what someone said to you.

Orale – Has many meanings, but the most common are Lets do it now/Hurry up/Amazing/OMG. It all depends how you express the word. If you say it with force its ‘hurry up’. If you say it casual, or stretch it out, it’ll mean ‘amazing’. Ooooraleeee, amazing.

Codo/a – Tight ass, someone who doesn’t like spending money. ‘No seas codo‘, Don’t be tight. ‘El es tan codo!‘, he is so tight! Or you can just tap your elbow a few times and that will mean codo/tight as well. And you’ll get a few laughs from the locals because you know what that gesture means 

Ni modo – But that’s the way it goes / Yeah, but ohh well / What can you do! ‘Pues si, pero ni modo‘ Well yeah, but what can we do.

A poco – No kidding / That’s unbelievable / Wow, you don’t say / Are you serious?

Andale – Hurry up! or to confirm/agree. ‘Andale!!‘ Hurry up. Or, The bar is just around the corner… ‘Ahhh si, andele

Híjole – Holy cow!! or OMG. Híjole, it’s getting late.

Ahuevo! – Hell yeah!! / Sure! Used to show excitement or agreement

Huevón/a – Someone who is super lazy. Only use this with good friends.

Carnal – Best friend, like a brother. You can also use Cuate and Compa.

Desmadre – When something is a complete disaster / mess / chaos / wild. Has both positive and negative meanings. ‘La fiesta fue un desmadre‘ The party was wild. ‘Fue un desmadre conseguir la visa.‘ It was a complete disaster to get the visa. ‘Tu cuarto es un desmadre‘ Your room is an utter mess.

Neta!! – The truth. You can use it as a question.. Neta?? Really?? or when someone doesn’t believe you, like I’m telling the truth.. Neta!!

Naco/a – To describe someone who is bad mannered, poorly educated or has bad taste.

No hay bronca – No problem, don’t worry about it.

Mota – Marijuana.

Sale – To agree or to confirm. Pronounced sa-le.

Vulgar/Swear words

These Mexican slang words aren’t recommended that you use just yet. Some may be taken the wrong way. But of course, knowing all the bad words in another language is fun. And for some reason they’re easier to remember.

No mames – ‘No way!’ or ‘You can’t be serious’ Exactly the same as ‘No manches‘, but aLOT stronger and very vulgar!! ‘No mames!‘ Get fucked, you can’t be serious! ‘No mames wey’, Bullshit dude!!  Only used with friends you know very, very well.

Pinche – Damn. When using to describe something. ‘Pinche perros‘, damn dogs. ‘Pinche José‘. If used aggressively can mean ‘Fucking dogs’

Cabrón – Has two common meanings. Bastard/Jerk/Asshole but can also mean when you are really good at something or done something really well. ‘Ese pinche cabrón me robó mi celular‘ That damn bastard stole my cell phone. ‘El cabròn se escape‘ The bastard escaped. And ‘Estoy bien cabrón. Logré mochas ventas este mes‘ I’m the man. I made so many sales this month.

Pendejo – Asshole

Pedo – Literaly means fart. But is used in many different ways. And is a very informal word and only to be used with people you know very well. For example, ‘Que pedo?’ Whats up?/ How’s it going?. ‘No hay pedo‘ No problem/no worries. ‘Estoy muy pedo wey‘ I’m very drunk/wasted. 

Puta madre – Has both positive and negative meanings. ‘Esta de puta madre‘ That is super awesome. Or can be a cursing word if you have a car accident or drop a cup of coffee ‘Puta madre!‘ Fucking hell!!

Que poca madre!! – Said slowing meaning ‘no fucking way!!’

Me vale madre – It’s the worst way to say ‘I don’t care’ or ‘I don’t give a shit’.

The Chingonario.


I can’t even start to explain Chingar. This is the king verb of Mexican slang. There are 100’s of variations and examples. There is even a whole book dedicated to the verb Chingar called the Chingonario which I have bought. It’s very funny to read and learn. If one day you master all the meanings of chingar, you can call yourself a Mexican 

It basically means fuck or something is fucked. Here are a few examples… but other examples can get a lot worse than this.

Trabajar un chingo – To work too much.

Se chingó mi dinero – He stole my money

Vete a la chingada! – Go to hell or somewhere very far from here. Go and get f#@ked.

Esta de la chingada! – My situation is fucked.

Chinga tu madre – Get fucked!! literally ‘fuck your mother…’

Hijo de la chingada! – Son of a bitch

Want more Spanish? Head to Learn Spanish Mazatlan

Now you’ll be up to speed with the most common Mexican slang words and phrases. Hope you enjoyed it. Please feel free to share.

If I missed out any other Mexican slang words you know, let us know in the comments and I can add them in.

About Mexico Trippa

Mexico travel
Hi guys. My name is Johnny, and I’m from Australia. I’ve have been living and tripping around Mexico for about 1.5 years. I have fallen in love with this place. The people, beaches, culture, food, and language.
In this time I’ve learnt a lot about the Mexican culture, how they operate, and what to expect. In Latin American countries, it’s funny how what you think might happen and what actually happens can be totally different. Anything from taxis, restaurants, tours, markets or even just lining up. Sometimes you just have to laugh and enjoy the moment.
I want to share with you everything I love about this country. All the tips, best places to go, things to do, where to eat and sleep and the way of life in Mexico Everything!!

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Stay tuned for more words next week

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