Conventions and Expos in Mexico represents an annual economic benefit of 25 billion dollars

In the framework of the IBTM Americas 2019, the Secretary of Tourism of the Government of Mexico, Miguel Torruco Marqués, highlighted the relevance of the Meeting Industry for Mexico, which represents an annual spill of 25 billion dollars, equivalent to an approximate 1.5% of the Gross Domestic Product of the country.

Image result for mazatlan convention center

“The Conventions Industry is especially important because the national and international participant, in congresses, conventions, incentive trips and exhibitions, travel with a larger budget and spends 53% more than the pleasure tourist. In addition, it helps to improve the quality of life of local communities in the long term, incorporating social responsibility programs, detonating investments and contributing to improve the reputation of destinations, “he said.

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It should be noted that in the Americas, the United States is the leader with 947 events, followed by Canada, with 315, Brazil, with 233 and Argentina, with 232, while Mexico occupies the fifth position with 172 events registered under the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA); so Torruco urged the members of the value chain of this segment, to report their events to ICCA to reflect the country’s leadership at the international level.

Source: sectur, inegi, inmobiliare

The Mazatlan Post