Sinaloa invest 99 million pesos in public transport modernization


The Government of the State delivered 50 units of urban public transport with the contribution of the down payment, which represents 10 percent of the value of the unit, as a support to the concessionaire

The State will seek to modernize the public transport system; and during the second phase of the delivery of 50 urban buses, the state governor, Quirino Ordaz Coppel, announced that on this occasion the municipalities of Culiacán, Mazatlán, and Salvador Alvarado would benefit.

In total there are already 150 units that are in operation, noting that the system of video surveillance and panic button with which they have no record of assaults on drivers or passengers.

In the esplanade of the Government Palace, the formal delivery was made and it gave the starting signal, from where the units would be immediately incorporated into the service to guarantee, in addition to security, comfort for the users.

These units were acquired through a credit that was made to an automotive company, with the State Executive contributing the down payment, which represents 10 percent of the value of the truck. In this stage, the investment amounts to 10 million pesos, while the total cost was 99 million 900 thousand pesos.

The delivery was made to the demand of users that it would be better to modernize the transport system since there are obsolete units that do not guarantee an efficient and safe transfer for those who daily use this means of transport.

Source: el debate

The Mazatlan Post