Tourism as a strategic sector and economic trigger: Carlos Slim Domit


The Chairman of the Board of Directors of Grupo Carso, acknowledged that the tourism sector needs constant investments.

During his participation in the Tianguis Turístico México 2019 with the conference “The era of connectivity, disruption and challenges”, Carlos Slim Domit, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Grupo Carso, said that telecommunications networks are the nervous system in this new was. “The era of connectivity empowers society, impacts all areas of activity and is based on the welfare of society.”

He also explained that due to its importance, the sector requires strong and constant investments to expand coverage to all people and places, since the data transmission capacity doubles every 12 months, due to technological updating and development. of new services.

He recalled that Telmex and Telcel are continuously evolving due to their investments in the country and their permanent innovation, such as the creation of the prepaid system, which today use 80% of people who have a cell phone in the world, which will be reinforced with the inclusion from the free platform, which offers training for work, culture and health, and also offers certification.

Similarly, he added that the previous ones are highly productive companies, which has been reflected in the prices of their services, which the World Economic Forum recognized, in its 2013 study, as those located in the fourth position for its prices accessible.

Slim Domit also spoke of the importance of tourism as a strategic sector of development and economic trigger, since “it is a fundamental source of income and employment in the country, being our projection to the world as a cultural, social, gastronomic, economic, entertainment and business”. 
The above is reflected in its archaeological zones, beaches, colonial cities and Magical Towns, as well as the cultural and business offer in its main cities.

Source: real estate market

The Mazatlan Post