Mexico: These are the official dates of Holy Week “Semana Santa”


From April 14 to 21 the Catholic flock commemorates the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus.

Mexico.- Holy Week or Greater Week, is a period of eight days that begins with Palm Sunday and culminates with Easter Sunday.

During Holy Week the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is commemorated: Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday.

These are the dates and what is celebrated every day during Holy Week in Mexico are:

April 14, Palm Sunday: Palm Sunday is the day on which Christians commemorate the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem and his acclamation as Son of God.

April 15, Holy Monday: On this second day of Holy Week is remembered, in addition to the passage of the Anointing in Bethany, the passage of Jesus throwing the merchants of the temple of Jerusalem.

April 16, Holy Tuesday: The Passion of Jesus. On Tuesday he goes to the Temple on the road so many times.

April 17, Holy Wednesday: The day of betrayal. Remember the day in which Judas Iscariot meets with the Sanhedrin (council of priests, scribes and elders presided over by the priest Caiaphas) ​​to condemn Jesus and receives 30 coins for delivering him, as well as the preparations of Jesus and the apostles for the celebration of the paschal dinner.

April 18, Holy Thursday: Holy   Thursday celebrates the Last Supper of Jesus of Nazareth with his disciples, the institution of the Eucharist, the priestly order and the washing of feet. On this day, Catholics visit the seven temples or churches, with the goal of thanking God for the gift of the Eucharist and priesthood.

April 19, Good Friday: On Good Friday the passion of Christ is remembered and the moment of his crucifixion on Calvary to save man from sin and give him eternal life. On this day, the faithful of Catholicism keep fasting and abstinence from meat as a penance.

April 20, Saturday of Glory: Holy Saturday is the day that mediates between the death and resurrection of Jesus. A paschal vigil is held, in which it is customary to bless the water and light the candles as a sign of the resurrection of Jesus, which takes place at dawn on Sunday.

April 21, Resurrection Sunday: Easter Sunday, also known as Easter Sunday, commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion and his first appearance before his disciples. It is a day of great joy for the faithful and is interpreted as the hope of a new life.

Source: linea directa

The Mazatlan Post