Sinaloas Quirino Ordaz Coppel best rated governor of Mexico


Quirino Ordaz Coppel received the first place in approval in front of the other governors of the Mexican Republic.

Quirino Ordaz Coppel, governor of Sinaloa, was the best approved according to the results of an investigation of México Elige.

Of the 32 states of the Republic, Ordaz Coppel was in first place, followed by Adán Augusto López Hernández, governor of Tabasco and Mauricio Vila Dosal, governor of Yucatán.

It was with an approval of 72.1% that it obtained the first place.

On the other hand, the one that had the lowest place was the governor of Michoacán, Silvano Aureoles Conejo, with 12.2%.

It should be noted that only 10 governors managed to pass, or rather, approve in popular opinion. Among the governors who approved are the following:

  1. Quirino Ordaz Coppel, governor of Sinaloa.
  2. Adán Augusto López Hernández, Governor of Tabasco
  3. Mauricio Vila Dosal, governor of Yucatán
  4. Francisco Domínguez Servién, governor of Queretáro
  5. Francisco Vega de Lamadrid, governor of Baja California
  6. Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo, governor of Guanajuato
  7. Enrique Alfaro Ramírez, governor of Jalisco
  8. Antonio Echevarría García, governor of Nayarit
  9. Cuitláhuac García Jiménez, governor of Veracruz
  10. Rutilio Escandón Cadenas, governor of Chiapa

Interview with Quirino Ordaz Coppel

A firm, tenacious and persevering man who recognizes the value of the legacy he will leave to his children and grandchildren, the transcendence forged at work and which seeks to strengthen the state today.

“The government must be a facilitator, a promoter, a promoter; must strengthen by making a great partnership with society to be able to get Sinaloa talk and speak well. “

– Quirino Ordaz

Honest and direct, as good Sinaloense, Quirino Ordaz Coppel, governor of Sinaloa for the period 2017-2021, was born on October 24, 1962 in the beautiful port of Mazatlan. His parents were Quirino Ordaz Luna (†) and María del Carmen Coppel de Ordaz (†), who instilled in him values ​​that have defined him as a man of his word. He studied law degree (UAEM), a master’s degree in Public Administration (INAP), as well as graduates in Ideas and Institutions of Mexico (ITAM) and Reengineering of Processes Applied to Public Administration (UNAM). Her life partner is Rosa Isela Fuentes de Ordaz, with whom she has three children, Silvana, Quirino and Santiago.

We would like you to tell us about your childhood, how would you describe it?

We were very close, always tried a very good atmosphere in the house. My father was a man of great discipline: he instilled in us the importance of work, perseverance, and the value of the word, commitment; My mom was very happy, very enthusiastic, very forward, was the one that convinced my dad to give us permission or go to one side or the other, and always tried to be very attentive, very aware of us.

My parents have already passed away (my mother has just turned 28 years old since she died, my dad is nine years old now that he died), but they never leave, they are always present.

What was Mazatlan like in those days?

It did not have the level of development that it now has, there were far fewer people in Mazatlan, it was a very conservative society too. Maybe we could think closed, and that’s how it looked from the outside, with families already settled in Mazatlan, with roots, with tradition. There were not many places to go.

How did they have fun?

Playing in the street. I remember that he played a lot of football; ‘Cascaritas’, as they called him. Baseball too, we played in nearby places that are now populated. And it’s something that you do not see anymore, it’s hard to see children playing on the street. We went to the pool a lot, to the beach, which was what we had, and yes, we had a lot of fun.

What values ​​did your parents encourage you?

The value of the family, the honesty of transparency, of the word. The value of always talking and saying things, of effort, of work, things are not given for free: you have to work them and you have to work hard.

And how was he at that time when he was a boy? In what way did his father teach him, the value of work?

I accompanied him, he made us accompany him, for example, during vacations. And we did not like it very much because you wanted to go to have fun, to hang out with friends, go to the beach, and no, we got up very early always, even if we woke up, at six in the morning he was already knocking on the door and it was a martyrdom.

Over time you value a lot because it is what you are staying, I am very clear that the great lesson is the effort; work, things are earned, and earned through hard work and perseverance. Sometimes you do not give the value you have to perseverance, tenacity, and many times you can have great ideas but if they are not followed up they do not materialize. The important thing is that it has more strength, more sense, when you achieve things, and they are achieved because there is a vision and he was very insistent on it.

About your grandparents, what can you tell us?

We spent very important moments with them. From my paternal grandfather I remember little because he would be around eight or nine years old when he died; but always present with us, in the holidays we went to Mexico with the paternal grandparents; and the maternal grandparents were in Mazatlan. At Christmas, I remember that I accompanied my mother a lot to go with her parents, they always tried to make us eat on Sundays as a family. I remember a lot of closeness with them. And well, also that they gave you there your Sunday you looked forward to it.

Living in Sinaloa, growing up in Sinaloa, how has that impacted your personality?

Much, on the one hand the fortune of living in the province, in places like those we have, gives you much more familiarity. Your relationship is more personal with people, it is more direct, people know you by your name: for who you are and for what you are being and are forming. And there the value of the name is greatly valued, that your parents leave you. That is why I have commented a lot that what I am going to look for is to continue leaving a good name to my children and my grandchildren.

As in the case we were talking about right now with my grandparents, my name is not very common: Quirino. My paternal grandfather was called Quirino also and to this day many people in Mexico remember him, and especially when I was studying in Mexico, I did not lack someone who referred me or who had worked with my grandfather, who had known him and always with very good expressions. Go, a few days ago, for example, the governor of Puebla wrote me and says: ‘Hey, I’m surprised that I’m here with my grandparents and it turns out that my grandfather met and worked with your grandfather and they have a very nice memory of the’. They are things that leave you and are an example to follow.

We know that his father was a professional architect in Mazatlan. Tell us a little about your legacy.

He built and designed a lot of work in Mazatlan, in Sinaloa and in other states, he was a man who formed many generations of architects in the port; He was recognized, appreciated and loved in Mazatlan. He was a man with a lot of imagination, with very good design skills. He formed a school of architecture and design that now my brother and many other architects in Mazatlan have given a good renovated.

About the Diario El Democratico, what can you tell us?

It was a passion I never really imagined that I would like it that much. I was returning from Mexico because I had already finished the race; my mother had died in a road accident 28 years ago on December 16; and I told my dad that I wanted to return with my family, that it was a good time to be together. My dad had hotel areas, he was the builder, and he had the newspaper El Democratico and I saw that he liked it but it cost him a lot. One day I said: give me the opportunity to enter him there. It was also a good space to show that I had the ability to enter and the truth is that it was an incredible experience because on the one hand I started to open space to many young people who came from the university, recent graduates of communication schools and Nowadays they are journalists.

And managed to generate and be an opinion factor of eight pages that came to have 40. I remember it was a can, it was very difficult, sometimes, when you did not have money for the paper you had to look for financing, for photomechanics, the plates ; I was trying. I came and I knocked on Mr. Ley’s door and he supported me with publicity and I thought that if Ley is being announced, others also.

We managed to make a team of people who understood that vision, very committed and they entered with everything. In social, political, even police and sports, I think they were very avant-garde. And I really realized that it is exciting: I would get up at three in the morning, two or three days a week, and they would fall for surprise in the newspaper, because it is the time when the newspaper is being thrown, at that time , and it was getting stuck. I said to a chavito, a delivery man, ‘get on with whatever you bring and I’ll follow your route’; I took all the route of him, how he was delivering, why he delivered there, and why he left so many here. And the next day came the circulation and told me ‘delivery and distribution was very good last night,’ but if you were not there, I did come. ‘ And that’s how we went forward.

I remember that my dad started to realize that I would stop at that hour and I thought I was going to be lazy, at that time I still did not get married, I lived in his house. And until people started saying ‘I saw Quirino delivering newspaper in the distribution’.

That’s why when you have a good team you can advance very fast and I felt very strong because everyone put on the shirt even though they knew that we did not have the resources of other means, there was passion and dedication. It was an extraordinary stage of my life.

As for being part of a family dedicated to the hotel business, how did that impact your business vision?

Much, tourism is an activity that today is fundamental for Sinaloa and Mazatlan has come to change the entire economic map. Generate employment and development; today thanks to the road we have a very high occupation of people who did not even know the beach and I believe that opened a great possibility; other challenges are presented in training, in training, to give greater quality in services. I think the port was not sufficiently prepared in services and infrastructure to receive so many people, but there were also many years of stagnation.

That is why the hoteliers and businessmen of Mazatlan who have not received enough federal support have great value. We must remember that it is not a destination like Cancún, Ixtapa, Cabo or Huatulco, which were developed by Fonatur. Mazatlan was developed only with local funds. And despite having had so many difficulties, because there were not enough flights, there was no terrestrial connectivity that they have today, and the times of economic crisis, high inflation, devaluation, made that despite all that, the hotels were maintained and go ahead.

And today is the time to consolidate, to grow, to continue advancing and take care of the destination, to take care of Mazatlan in terms of security, beautification, and also the subject of services (water, drainage), is fundamental.

When your dad was municipal president, how was that time for you?

Very good, I accompanied him in his political campaign. That was the first time I had that experience. As municipal president, on vacation he asked me to accompany him to work: since six in the morning he was in the colonies visiting and also in office time, he asked me to accompany him and saw how he cared for people. I lived very close, despite not being here all the time because I was studying in Mexico, the times we were together I was very close to him. I also shared many thoughts, criteria, how I solved things, without a doubt it is part of what has given me bases to keep growing.

We would like you to tell us how you met your wife.

She was Miss Tlaxcala and she came to a carnival as an ambassador, accompanied by her sister. I was there too. Since I saw it, I liked it. I gave her a compliment: I told her I was pretty, and she stared at me. We met two or three times more at the carnival but we did not know each other mostly, but we did coincide on the flight back to Mexico. I sat with her and we talked during the flight.

Arriving in Mexico it took me a few days to look for it and since I did it, because I was the daughter of a soldier and I said: ‘Oh, my God, to see how this is going to be’. But it is a family of many values, of many principles, very united. We lived together a lot, we lasted three years as a couple, until we decided to get married and the truth is that she always adapted very well to come here. It fascinates him, he’s Sinaloan one hundred percent. Rosy is a great support in my life, a great companion, she has always been in the good times and the bad. And me with her too.

What can we expect for Sinaloa during this time that he will have to govern?

Sinaloa is in a hurry and a sense of urgency, you have to work with great speed but also with your feet on the ground and with great clarity of what you have to do, surrounded by a good team. This is teamwork, and also seek to involve the public a lot; I believe that the great axis is citizen participation, in associations, organizations, in committees, in everything. The government must be a facilitator, a promoter, a promoter; must strengthen by making a great partnership with society to be able to get Sinaloa talk and speak well.

Sometimes I feel that we are with the stigma that they see us as a state with a lot of insecurity and violence and I think that is the challenge we have: to be able to take that turn, to demonstrate what we are. Sinaloa is a land of very talented people, with a lot of initiative, with enthusiasm, we have entrepreneurs who are exemplary at the national level, and I believe that we have the natural wealth, the land, the water, that other states would like to have other states.

Nobody is going to do for us what we do not do for ourselves. We can not wait for problems to come to us: it will not be like that. We have to generate the momentum, society and government, so that Sinaloa can obtain leadership where we are not leaders and can be a national model in many areas in which we have everything to achieve it.

What advice would you give to Sinaloan families?

The family is the most important, hence everything starts. We have to strengthen the woman a lot: the mother is the axis precisely in the family. We have to give him more support, greater strength.

We see a lot of young women, between 16 and 22, who get pregnant, who are heads of family, who are responsible for the home and that is not the couple, that is not the man, 3 of every 10 homes in Sinaloa is in front of woman.

We have a society that has lost a lot of values ​​and the training that is given from home to children since childhood, is what will make men of good tomorrow. So we have to focus our efforts to the support of the family, to the integration and strengthening of the Sinaloan family.

Source: El Debate , Gente

The Mazatlan Post