Alejandrina Guzmán expressed her dissatisfaction with the limitation of her rights as a daughter of the Mexican capo.

Due to an apparent blockage on the part of the administrators of the Facebook and Instagram digital platforms, when closing the accounts of the clothing brand of “El Chapo”, which has Alejandrina Guzmán, daughter of the Mexican capo, for sale. the young woman decided to express her disagreement through a statement.
The document states that for no reason and for the second time, social network companies closed the clothing brand account, because she ensures that at no time was infringed or misinterpreted the terms and conditions for the use of the platform, reason why it considered an injustice by which nobody responds, nor gives the face.

“Without prior warning, the Facebook / Instagram company closed the account of my clothing brand, hidden behind an automated response, truncated the work we have been doing for some time”.
She reflected in the letter before the persecution that is against her, “I did not decide to be born where I was born, I did not choose the life I would have wanted to choose, I was born there and I learned to live where God put me”, besides it can be read emphatically that I do not take the same path as my father and who left that environment when she could.
“I do not live or have lived from my father’s business and I do not accept his help, I’m a doctor, I’m a designer, I’m a mother, I’m a woman who works every day to lead a healthy life free of what has haunted me since I was born.”
These are the official accounts that were removed from social networks.Ver imagen en Twitter

Alejandrina Guzmán Salazar@AlejandrinaGuz
She had to hide her identity, hide from the governments that wanted to find something that does not exist, and people who wanted to link or pigeonhole her in a life that she has not led.
She made it clear that with those statements, she does not judge her father’s life, “I will not defend him, nor will I victimize him, nor will I judge him, he will make the decisions of his life, in the same way, he could have chosen a different path, he is he and that what he decided to do, everyone choses their own path. “
She ended by saying that she will not accept under any circumstances that her rights be limited because she is the daughter of “El Chapo”, because the clothing brand that I believe is a legal business that has been carried out with great effort for a long time and with which she demonstrates who is a hardworking and honest person, in addition to which part of the profits are donated to associations for the fight against drug use.

This is part of the design offered by the clothing brand “El Chapo”, courtesy of @AlejandrinaGuz

Shipping boxes for clothes from El Chapo

Source: El Chapo Guzman, lineadirecta
The Mazatlan Post