This app saved a woman from a kidnapping in Mexico … Did you download it?

Article follows in Spanish

MEXICO CITY.- In recent weeks, women in Mexico City have been vulnerable to various types of aggression. There have been multiple cases of kidnapping in the surroundings of the Metro Collective Transport System, even maps have been made to identify areas of greater risk. 

Before the little reaction of the government and the authorities, the women have had to find all the possible ways to avoid being kidnapped or, even worse, to be killed. 

Such is the case of Vanessa, a woman who was walking in one of the streets of Mexico City while being chased by a man with glasses and a hat. The victim, who had the application “WeHelp!”, Sent an alert to warn that he was in danger. 

A man, whose name is Bastian Ramírez, opened the application out of curiosity to see if he could help someone who was in danger. Upon seeing Vanessa’s alert, Ramírez immediately went to the location and discovered that, indeed, a man was harassing her. Through his profile on Facebook, he explained the facts. 

“I’m not making this kind of publications, but out of pure curiosity I installed an app that lets you know if anyone is in danger.” The joke is that I live at Av Láctea and my cell phone rang, it was the app asking me to help a person I was in danger, the girl was called Vanessa, “he said. 

The user on Facebook said he ran to the place and found the woman with a face of mortification. 

“When I ran to the location, said and echoed, I saw a girl who came with a scary face and behind her a man wearing glasses and a hat, all I thought was unlocking my cell phone and when she was near me. I taught him the app. “

Ramírez explained that he greeted her as if he were his girlfriend so that the behavior would look normal; the attacker changed course as soon as he saw that Vanessa stopped being alone. 

In turn, the man who rescued Vanessa, recommended to women and men download such application in case of a situation of risk or danger, because someone could save you or at any time you could help someone. 

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In times as difficult as today, it is important that we all join hands together. It disseminates this information so that there are greater possibilities of finding help through the app, a Mexican development that has already existed for a long time, but that, until now, we have a tangible testimony of its results. 

You can find it for Android or iOS and its operation is very simple and intuitive. You just have to register, allow the app to access your location, add trusted contacts and, OK! You can choose to be a helper user to receive alerts in case someone is in danger. 

If you feel you are in a situation of risk, open the app and press the panic button. An alert will be sent to users who are close to your location.

Did you install it?

According to WeHelp page info

Have you ever been in a dangerous situation where calling 911 is just not possible?


WeHelp! is a personal security app that lets you send an alerts by just pressing a button. Our community will always be there to help you! Helper users that are nearby will be immediately notified of your emergency as well as your emergency contacts. Get immediate help anytime and anywhere with WeHelp! personal security app.

WeHelp! Features:

* WorldWide coverage: You can send an alert from anywhere in the world. We have a big and growing community all around the world. As soon as you send an alert all nearby helpers will be notified immediately and provide you assistance.

* Real-time geolocation: WeHelp! offers a geolocation system that keeps our helpers aware of your exact location in case you report an emergency through the app, even if you’re on the move.

* Real-time Communication: WeHelp! keeps you in touch with our helpers all the time. All emergencies are different, that’s why we implemented different communication channels (voice notes, photos and videos) so that you can share more information about your emergency and they can provide a better response.

* Emergency contacts: Add your trusted contacts to WeHelp! and we’ll send them an SMS with your location as soon as you send an alert.

* WeBand!: WeBand! is our SmartWatch, which connects directly to the WeHelp! App, allowing you to send an alert without ever having to take your phone out.

We really encourage you to become a helper! The bigger the community the safer we will be!

Esta app la salvó de un secuestro en la CDMX… ¿Ya la descargaste?

CIUDAD DE MÉXICO.- En las últimas semanas, mujeres de la Ciudad de México han estado vulnerables ante varios tipos de agresión. Se han registrado múltiples casos de secuestro en los alrededores del Sistema de Transporte Colectivo Metro, incluso se han realizado mapas para identificar zonas de mayor riesgo. 

Ante la poca reacción del gobierno y las autoridades, las mujeres han tenido que encontrar todas las formas posibles de evitar ser secuestradas o, peor aún, ser asesinadas. 

Tal es el caso de Vanessa, una mujer que se encontraba caminando en una de las calles de la Ciudad de México mientras era perseguida por un hombre de lentes y gorra. La víctima, que contaba con la aplicación “WeHelp!”, envió una alerta para avisar que se encontraba en peligro. 

Un hombre, cuyo nombre es Bastian Ramírez, abrió la aplicación por curiosidad para ver si podía ayudar a alguien que se encontrara en peligro. Al ver la alerta de Vanessa, Ramírez se dirigió inmediatamente a la ubicación y descubrió que, efectivamente, un hombre se encontraba acosándola. A través de su perfil en Facebook, explicó los hechos. 

“No soy de hacer este tipo de publicaciones. Pero por pura curiosidad instalé una app que te avisa si alguna persona está en peligro. El chiste es que yo vivo en Av Láctea y sonó mi celular. Era la app pidiendo que ayudara a una persona que estaba en peligro, la chava se llamaba Vanessa”, señaló. 

El usuario en Facebook aseguró que fue corriendo al lugar y encontró a la mujer con cara de mortificación. 

“Cuando fui corriendo a la ubicación, dicho y echo. Vi a una chava que venía con una cara de miedo y atrás de ella un señor con lentes y gorra. Lo único que pensé fue en desbloquear mi celular y cuando ella estaba cerca de mi le enseñe la app”.

Ramírez explicó que la saludó como si fuera su novia para que el comportamiento se viera normal; el atacante cambió de rumbo en cuanto vio que Vanessa dejó de estar sola. 

A su vez, el hombre que rescató a Vanessa, recomendó a mujeres y hombres descargar dicha aplicación en caso de una situación de riesgo o peligro, ya que alguien podría salvarte o en cualquier momento podrías ayudar a alguien. 

En tiempos tan difíciles como los actuales, es importante que entre todos nos echemos la mano. Difunde esta información para que existan mayores posibilidades de encontrar ayuda a través de la app, un desarollo mexicano que ya existe desde hace tiempo, pero que, hasta ahora, tenemos un testimonio tangible de sus resultados. 

Puedes encontrarla para Android o iOS y su funcionamiento es muy sencillo e intuitivo. Sólo tienes que registrarte, permitir que la app tenga acceso a tu ubicación, agregar contactos de confianza y ¡Listo! Puedes elegir si ser un usuario ayudante para recibir alertas en caso de que alguien esté en peligro. 

Si sientes que estás en una situación de riesgo, abre la app y pulsa el botón de pánico. Una alerta se enviará a los usuarios que estén cerca de tu ubicación.

¿Ya la instalaste?

Source: dineroenimagen

The Mazatlan Post