Mazatlan: Municipality goes against those who charge for parking on public roads


MAZATLÁN._ First, they were illegal water connections, then inspections of nightclubs … now the municipal government goes against those who charge for using the public road as “parking”, even detected groups that improvise valet parking services in arbitrary ways..

And it is that in Mazatlan it has become common practice that in small areas, the few pedestrian spaces are separated with chairs or wooden boxes by groups or by people who charge for letting them park. They are groups that have taken over the streets, mainly in the Historic Center; or on Avenida Gutiérrez Nájera where the City Council has complaints about undue charges, including warnings: if the driver refuses to pay, they do not “insure” caring for the vehicle.

But the Chemical Mayor, Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres, already announced measures.

“We are working on that, the Ministry of Public Security already has a campaign for people to respect spaces for the disabled and not pay,” he said.

– Are there people who even charge for parking on public roads?

“That’s right, in fact, some people were stopped outside the stadium (Teodoro Mariscal), last Saturday, they had valet service to park cars, they parked badly on the sidewalks, and here by Kilometer Zero, we towed them because they did not They had no permission. They were individuals who were not even registered, “he revealed.

However, the problem has persisted for years throughout the city, it is common for groups of people to take over the public road to charge for parking, others request a tip, and in other cases deny use of the street if the driver denies pay.

The conflict is exacerbated in the Historic Center and tourist areas during Holy Week and the days of Carnival.

The secretary of the City Council, Jose de Jesus Flores Segura, warned that they will no longer allow this practice, at least, it will not be common in the streets, they will apply sanctions and there will be constant operations.

“We are making agreements to return the city to the hands of the citizens, and not (remain) in power groups, we will have news of that situation of franeleros and other positions. We will not tolerate, the operation will be carried out by surprise, it is about dialogue, in an energetic but flexible way, “he added.

Source: Noroeste

The Mazatlan Post