ANDY, Vegan Coach: Don’t be afraid of pumpkin seeds, add them to your diet


ANDRES QUIÑONEZ writes a weekly column for our sister online journal The Baja Post, Andy is better known along the Baja Peninsula as the “Vegan Coach”, and starting this week, the man is going to be publishing for THE MAZATLAN POST too!

Andy is an expert nutritionist on the quest of removing the stigma that lingers around Veganism y Vegetarianism providing objective and useful information on the subject. Check it out…

Just two weeks ago we celebrated Halloween and Day of the Dead… and many words come to my mind when I think about Halloween: horror films, witches, skulls, costumes and of course, pumpkins.

Pumpkin seeds are powerful. Did you know that 3 table spoons of pumpkin seeds provide the same grams of protein as one egg? Besides, pumpkin seeds are cholesterol free and provide what we call “good fat” which helps us to keep our heart healthy and provides us with more energy during the day.

A healthy snack should not be more than 150Kcal and 3 table spoons of pumpkin seeds fit this number.

Also, pumpkin seeds are a great complement for salads, yogurt, fruit and even ice cream!

Keep in mind that the best option is unsalted and unsweetened seeds, otherwise you might be consuming unwanted additional sodium and sugar in your diet.

Don’t be afraid of pumpkin seeds and add them to your meals!

Mexican Pumpkins

by ANDRES QUIÑONEZ for Post Group Mexico

[email protected]