Culiacan Sinaloa: There will be a 100% discount on property fines for Buen Fin


The discounts of 100% to the property will apply from today until Monday, November 19

Culiacán, Sin., To November 14, 2018.- During the days of November 14 to 19, the municipal government will offer discounts of 100 percent in fines and surcharges in property tax payments, markets and public roads, acquisition tax of buildings (ISAI) and paving (COMUN), on the occasion of the “Buen fin”.

This was announced by the municipal treasurer, Issel Soto González, at a press conference held to raise awareness of the details of this important discount program which, he said, has as its main objective to support the family economy of the most vulnerable population so that they can regularize their situation as contributors.

He noted that with this dynamic is expected to raise around 70 million pesos , which would provide some solvency to the financial situation of the municipal government to meet the obligations of payment of salaries and bonuses at the end of the year.

Citizen paying his taxes in the municipal funds. 

“At this point, it is important to note that our municipal president, Jesus Estrada Ferreiro, has been doing hard work management before the appropriate bodies of the federal government in order to obtain support to remedy the payment of bonuses for the amount of 390 million pesos “, Detailed the treasurer.

He mentioned that this discount program, approved by the plenary session of the town hall, comes into force as a measure to increase the amount of federal participation through greater municipal revenue because the operation rules stipulate it.

” By capturing a greater number of resources through municipal taxes, we would have access to more federal participation, which would be applied to expand the quality and coverage of public services, as well as the construction of urban development works,” said Issel Soto.

Finally, he said that the “Buen Fin” discounts can be used from the online payment in the official site of the municipal government (www.culiacan.gob), printing the receipt for payment in bank, or, directly in the boxes of the Municipal Palace, COMUN, USE, Roads and Transit Unit, and in town hall modules

Source: el debate

The Mazatlan Post