Tijuana Police warn that whoever is arrested will be handed over to migration

Another group of 343 migrants arrives and will be taken to 12 shelters.

Tijuana, BC .- In order to avoid problems between migrants and the population of the border, before the arrival of members of the “Caravan”, the local authority has warned that there will be no tolerance for anyone, according to the head of the Tijuana Police, Mario Martínez Martínez.

“They come to commit some fault, some crime, they will proceed in the proper way. – Independently if they are migrants or not? – That’s right, and this without migrants will immediately be made available to INAMI. “

Through social networks such as Facebook, various calls are being made to protest the arrival of Central Americans in this area of Mexico, a topic that also alerts the police.

“I particularly ask them for peace of mind, we are working to give them security, we are making a huge effort so that we do not get out of control.”

A new group on board of eight buses arrived this morning to Tijuana, according to the BETA group, it is 228 men, 67 women and 48 less, than after taking them to the Salesian breakfast “Padre Chava”.

Jimmy Alexander Luna who travels with his children and wife mentions that “we came from Guadalajara to keep walking forward.”

Carlos González, originally from Honduras, reports that “some of them are one month old and others more than a month old. – And how has it been, has it been difficult? – Yes, at times we have endured hunger, great cold moment, but thank God we have reached our destination.

With the arrival of the members of the caravan, plus the migrants who daily arrive at this border to cross into the United States or who are deported, it is difficult for the administrators of the migrant care centers to attend to everyone, said Claudia Portela, administrator of the Salesian breakfast table “Padre Chava”

“We already have more than half the capacity, we could receive some 20 more, last night we were receiving migrants, all the hostels that we are in half to three-quarters of the capacity already occupied “

The migratory authorities informed that they work in convincing work to move this new group to 12 migrant shelters, but everything seems to indicate that, like the group on Tuesday, they will go to Playas de Tijuana.

Source: Linea Directa 

The Mazatlan Post