Mexican Inventor patents system to transform seawater into drinking water


After six years of work, Jorge Antonio Lechuga Andrade, originally from Mérida Yucatán; has managed to patent its project to desalinate seawater and turn it into potable water.

The Mexican and former director of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering of the Autonomous University of Yucatan ( UADY ), managed to patent his invention before national agencies of the United States, after fulfilling the tests, verifications and comparisons with similar systems. The design of Lechuga in addition to meet the criteria of originality, is innovative and sustainable.


Mexican patents system to transform seawater into drinking water-NATION
Credits: Conacyt news agency

The system uses the centrifugal reverse osmosis technique with ” Dean vortices ” to desalinate seawater and make it drinkable, which makes the process low cost, as well as helping to save electricity and have a low impact on the environment.

In the same way, the production costs are much lower since the same system allows a systematic cleaning of the membranes, an action that in other systems must be carried out manually.

Also, once the desalination process is finished; the excess water is returned to the sea, to avoid the impact on marine flora and fauna.

In summary, the system of the Mexican inventor offers many advantages in comparison with others; so in 2015 he was awarded the National Prize of the Mexican Institute of Chemical Engineers.

The patents were granted by the Mexican Institute of Intellectual Property ( IMPI ) and by the United States Patent Office, both with a validity of approximately 20 years.

Mexican patents system to transform seawater into drinking water-NATION
Credits: Conacyt news agency

The Mazatlan Post