A community is already starting to offer its services to process amparos for anyone who wants to consume marijuana legally in Mexico.
A chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) opened the door on Wednesday to the recreational use of marijuana by urging the other courts of the country to lift the ban on recreational consumption.
“This represents a great step for the decriminalization of marijuana. Legally for the creation of a law, a health commission in the Chamber of Senators or Deputies or a citizen initiative can present a bill for the decriminalization of marijuana, “said David Pérez Mondragón, administrative lawyer of the University National Autonomous of Mexico.
Although Pérez Mondragón states that the amparos can only be obtained individually. “It is necessarily necessary to go to the Cofepris,” said the lawyer.
Taking advantage of the resolution of the SCJN, a community is already starting to offer its services to process amparos for anyone who wants to consume marijuana legally in Mexico.
“Would you like to use marijuana legally in Mexico? Discover today how you can do it, by clicking on the following link: “, says your Twitter post
¿Te gustaría consumir marihuana de manera legal en México? Descubre hoy cómo puedes hacerlo, dando click en el siguiente enlace: https://t.co/dvUctRpyoy
¡Súbete al barco! #LegalizaMX pic.twitter.com/0MgNy89HON
— Barba Rossa's (@BarbaRossas1) October 11, 2018
The SCJN wrote a message on Twitter talking about the unconstitutionality of the absolute prohibition of the recreational use of marijuana. What allowed integrating jurisprudence on the subject.
“We give #ElToqueLegal for you at no cost, friend. Go to http://barbarossas.mx “, says the message of the community.
- Obtain a legal marijuana consumption authorization for all its associates.
- Support the proposal to legalize marijuana raised by our next Secretary of the Interior Olga Sanchéz Cordero.
- Exercise pressure on the legislative branch.
How are you going to achieve this?
On the first business day of the new government, you can read on its website, we will present a formal request to the appropriate authority in favor of all our associates, this helps us for two things:
1) Follow the same path used by people who can currently use marijuana.
2) By doing so massively, a window would be created for the legalization of marijuana, thus supporting the recent declarations made by the future Secretary of the Interior and Ex-Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, Olga Sánchez Cordero.
Since April 2017, the medicinal and scientific use of marijuana has been decriminalized in Mexico, through a special and personalized authorization, but self-cultivation is still prohibited.
In August of this year, the SCJN endorsed the medicinal use of marijuana, as established by the Constitution of Mexico City.
“The plenary session of the Court approved with a majority of eight votes that the reference to the use of medical marijuana in the constitution of Mexico City is valid,” said the SCJN.
Source: FORBES
The Mazatlan Post