Mobile Medical Train “Dr. Vagon” arrives at El Fuerte, Sinaloa


It will provide optometry, geriatrics, colposcopies, mammography, physical rehabilitation, dermatology, dental consultation, among other medical services.

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El Fuerte, Sinaloa.- Since about a year ago, the mayor Nubia Ramos Carbajal has been making arrangements with the Grupo México Foundation to make the arrival in El Fuerte of ” Dr. Vagon , the train of health”, an itinerant medical service, a reality, and from this Monday the visit has been finalized.

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This was announced by Dr. Nidia Guadalupe Ramírez Ruiz, director of Municipal Medical Services, who explained that there are 16 wagons with offices, specialty rooms, pharmacy, laboratories, dormitories and dining room for doctors who will be in El Fuerte on Tuesday, the 16th. Saturday, October 20

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Ramírez Ruiz stressed that ” Dr. Vagón ” has the capacity to serve 500 people daily, and from 8 am on Tuesday, October 16, will offer citizenship care in geriatrics, cervical screening, colposcopy, physical rehabilitation, chiropractic, mammography, general consultation, detection of breast cancer.

It will also offer free consultation dermatology, optometry, audiometry, orthopedics, dental consultation, reviews of weight, height, body mass index, blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and oximetry, complementary tests, cabinet studies, health education talks, and pharmacy

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” Dr. Vagón, The Health Train” will be located at the Chepe station in the community of Estación Hoyanco, 3 kilometers from the municipal seat of El Fuerte and will offer medical services, from October 16 to October 20 from 6 in the morning. at 8 pm.

Source: El Debate 

The Mazatlan Post