Fishing crisis in Huizache-Caimanero Sinaloa


The anguish, worry, and despair are taking over the fishermen.

This is how the atmosphere in the fishing zone of Huizache and Caimanero feels, of hopelessness, sadness, anguish, and worry, because this year, despite the fact that they desisted from a fishing season instead started this weekend, the efforts were in vain, there is no shrimp.

The anguish and worry has begun to invade the fishermen, who, faced with the lack of product, do not know what they are going to do to obtain the sustenance of their family.

The sadness invades the environment, because this phenomenon of zero production, they had never seen it in all their life as fishermen; It is something unprecedented.

Added to that problem they said, adding the lack of support from the authorities, that this year, they have not even provided them with the resources for gasoline, that is why the canoes, the engines were removed.

And the material they were given to repair pangas was a mockery, said Bernardino Pineda, President of the Cooperativa Pesquera “Álvaro Obregón”.

The fishermen do not know what to do, but what is certain is that they will take extreme measures of protest , because they are willing to do everything, to be able to bring something to eat for their children.