Mexico, will host the international forum for consumer protection


Organized by the Competition and Consumer Protection Program of Latin America, of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, it is the only open forum for discussion of public policy on consumer affairs in Latin America and this time it was held the facilities of the Tequila Regulatory Council in Guadalajara, Jalisco.

The Federal Consumer Procurator, Rogelio Cerda Pérez, served as host of the 8th International Consumer Protection Forum of the Competition and Consumer Protection Program in Latin America (COMPAL) of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), This time it was the headquarters of the Tequila Regulatory Council in Guadalajara, Jalisco.
It is the only open discussion forum on public policy on consumer matters in Latin America, which has attracted the attention of observer countries, such as the United States.
The event was attended by consumer protection authorities members of the COMPAL Program (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay), as well as the private sector, chambers of commerce and academics.
The objective was to reflect on issues of transnational importance and the exchange of experiences of good practices in the different areas of consumer protection in Latin America, as well as to publicize the difficulties and challenges faced by government agencies in the region. the region and the alternative mechanisms for the solution of controversies that originate in consumer relations.
The sessions and interactive debates, which were open to around 60 people from the general public, revolved around three important topics: 1. The contribution of consumer protection to sustainable consumption. 2. Consumer protection of financial services. 3. Protection of personal data of children online.
Procurador Cerda Pérez pointed out that, with this event, Profeco once again fulfills the mandate of President Enrique Peña Nieto to continue working and cooperating internationally with other countries to support the growth of Mexico.
“Therefore,” he added, “in this year we were in 16 international forums for the exchange of experiences on consumer protection, we signed 5 collaboration agreements and/or memorandums of understanding on consumer protection policy and we prepared 6 joint trilateral alerts with Canada and the United States of America “.
In the same sense, added the head of Profeco, Mexico will assume tomorrow, October 3, also in Guadalajara, Jalisco, the Pro-Tempore Presidency, for the period 2018-2019, of the XII Ibero-American Forum of Government Agencies for Consumer Protection.
“We are committed to continuing united and working hand in hand, with the aim of not losing competitiveness to the rest of the world,” he concluded.
The Mazatlan Post