In front of the front confirmed by the Mexican Confederation of Fishing Cooperatives (Conmecoop), the National Chamber of the Fishing Industry (Canaipesca), as well as various NGOs, for the requirement of a reordering of activity and greater confrontation with illegal fishing Sergio Torres Felix, Secretary of Fisheries in Sinaloa , acknowledged the problem of illegal activity within the state and did not rule out the possibility that the seas of Sinaloa were also being used for the transit of other types of illegal products.
He indicated that working with the National Fisheries Commission (Conapesca) have six surveillance inspectors, and as Secretariat has launched the program in which fishermen are kept, both on the high seas and on the banks, responsible for monitoring acts of illegal fishing. “Here we want to add obviously the effort of the State Government and, if possible, the municipal presidents, because it is a problem, we must recognize it, but above all, we must take action on the matter to try to avoid it,” he said.
However, Raúl Leal Félix, secretary in Sinaloa of the board of directors of the Conmecoop, pointed out that the application of the program that integrates fishermen in Inspection and Surveillance has a technical vacuum that does not allow them to act of encountering acts of delinquency. “We have a participation only in accompaniment because we do not have any documents, no credentials. We can not stop anyone, to record, all that is still the faculty of governing authorities, “he said in reference to Conapesca, the Navy and state and municipal police.
After foundations such as Niparajá and Oceana made a call to the National Fisheries Institute for better management of scientific studies and their clarity, Raúl Leal Félix pointed out that in Sinaloa Inapesca does its job, but does not provide the solution to follow in procedures that benefit them to improve activity: “They mention the possible scenarios, but they do not say” this is what should be applied according to the research I have “. They are staying half. We have even thought about suing them for the responsibility they have, which they are not fulfilling, “he said.
In this coincided Emilio Valenzuela, fisherman in the coast of the northern zone of Sinaloa, who regarding the prohibitions exposed by the Inapesca, added that they are authorized under old methods with date and not with studies, as it should be: “We need to be done different, that is authorized differently, because nature asks for it, “he said.
The fisherman explained that one of the reasons for the problem of production in the seas are the sardiner boats that still leave them “without anything” of a product since their activity has no closure, regulation or surveillance: “It is a predatory activity at 100 percent. They take not only the shrimp, they take away all the species from which the riverbank lives, they no longer respect any part. They have a half-ton shark, they take it too, “Valenzuela said while saying that the problem has been previously exposed to the authorities along with videos and photographs, but it remains unsolved.
Given the socioeconomic needs that increase with the start of the closures, Emilio Valenzuela said that fishermen are struggling to access the average of one thousand temporary jobs that will be implemented by the state government in conjunction with Conapesca.
In addition, the Secretary of Fisheries, Sergio Torres Felix, added that the state is awaiting a program of paving the main streets of fishing fields and sports areas and the delivery of 75 thousand pantries in the fields by the DIF “There are many tangible facts that the governor knows the demands of fishermen and makes them their own,” he said.
About his proximity to the Mexican Confederation of Fisheries Cooperatives at the national level, he said that he has always had the telephone and personal availability to maintain contact with his president, Jesús Camacho, as well as the leaders of the sector in the state: “I come all the days to the office and on the phone are to order, “he concluded.
Source. El debate