Seven beach accesses in Mazatlán will be beautified: Mayor


They will have bathrooms, showers, access ramps for people with disabilities and recreation areas; three will be in Olas Altas, announces Édgar González

Seven beach accesses will be improved for the benefit of Mazatlan residents and tourists, as reported by Mayor Édgar González Zataráin during the tour he took this Saturday through the beach accesses in Cerritos.

According to a statement, the Mayor said that the work on the Cerritos accesses is 30 percent complete and is estimated to be ready in 35 or 40 days with an investment of less than 10 million pesos.

The Olas Altas area will have three completely beautified entrances.

The Mayor specified that these works were carried out with permits that were granted by the federal authorities.

“The purpose of these works is that the Mazatlecos, mainly, the tourists obviously when they come to the beach have a bathroom, both men and women, there are ramps for the disabled to access the beach, they have showers, to remove the sand and salt before getting into your vehicle… and above all a garden area that is a recreation area,” said González Zataráin.

This works supervision tour was attended by the director of public works Rigoberto Arámburo Bojórquez, the senior official Rogelio Olivas Osuna, among other municipal authorities.

Source: Noreste