They are going for more certifications! Mazatlán has 7 certified beaches, 5 are platinum 


MAZATLAN. – They are going for more certifications! Now that Mazatlán has 7 certified beaches, something that happens for the first time, they will seek to incorporate new beaches with this distinction. 

The director of Operadora y Administradora de Playas, Luis Fernando Ortiz Genis, highlighted the importance of the port having 7 certified beaches, since it is a historical fact. Previously, the maximum number of certifications was 5. 

     “This means having higher quality beaches for all visitors. This has never been seen in previous administrations. When we took over the management of Operadora de Playas, we only had 5 certified beaches, but today we recovered some certifications and added new beaches, giving us a total of 7”. 

One of the beaches that could be considered for certification is the condominium complex called Camino al Mar. 

Regarding the certification of Playa Pinito, Ortiz Genis expressed that it would be a challenge due to the large influx of people during the holiday season and the discharge of sewage from hotels, houses, businesses and apartments. 

     “It is difficult because of the number of people who come to it, the merchants and (the problem) of the sewage where Jumapam is already working.” 

The new platinum-certified beaches include those across from the hotels: Courtyard by Marriott, with 87 meters of A-level certified beach; Luna Palace and Estrella de Mar on Isla de la Piedra, with level D. This last certification includes services for people with disabilities. 

In addition, there are two certified beaches with this distinction: in front of the Holiday Inn hotel and Park Inn, both with level D in platinum certification. 

The rest of the beaches are certified under the NMX-AA-120-SCFI-2016 standard. El Verde Camacho is in the “priority clean beach for conservation” category, while Gaviotas is in the “clean beach for recreational use” category. 

These latest certifications are granted to beaches that lack solid waste and microplastics, have security and services, maintain water quality, have adequate coastal equipment and infrastructure, care for biodiversity, and promote environmental education. 

  Source: Punto