“Tuned” Pulmonias emerges, leaving the classic style behind 


MAZATLAN. – Can you imagine walking along the Malecón in an illuminated Pulmonia of your favorite superhero or character? A new trend is emerging in this iconic Mazatlan vehicle. 

Tuned Pulmonias 

These are modified or ‘tuned’ Pulmonias with neon lights and different themes that are becoming more and more visible in the tourist area of Mazatlan and that little by little are leaving behind the classic black and white Pulmonia that everyone we know.  

Pulmonia is a vehicle very similar to a golf cart, molded from fiberglass, invented in 1965. 

The changes make Pulmonias look more attractive, some have even installed karaoke so that the tourist can feel like going to a party, yes, respecting the decibel levels. 

Currently on the boardwalk we can find everything from Iron Man’s Pulmonia to Captain America’s, all of them with neon-colored lights that characterize these characters. 

     “Tourists say that they are very beautiful that they are cool, the costs are the same whether or not you bring lights, here we do not overcharge tourists,” said Marco Antonio Valdés, a pulmonero with 5 years of experience 

This innovation in the classic Mazatlan transportation has caught the attention of all the tourists who come to vacation at the port. Carmen, originally from Mexicali, spoke that getting on Super Girl’s Pulmonia was an experience that she wants to live again. 

The fact of walking along the boardwalk and being able to choose the pneumonia that best suited her personality is priceless, she commented. 

     “Everything caught my attention, the color, the lights and the feeling of fun that it gave me and my husband when it was time to ride in it, these Pulmonias are like Carnival, so full of life and color.” 

All these Pulmonias, even if they are “tuned”, have security measures such as carrying a fire extinguisher for possible incidents that may occur inside the unit, as well as complying with the speed and level of decibels that must be maintained so as not to cause noise pollution. 

  Source: Punto