March for LGBTTTIQ+ diversity in Mazatlan


Allegorical floats, certified hotels, allied restaurants and dozens of people toured the Mazatlan coastal boardwalk shouting “love is love”

MAZATLÁN.- Love, respect and a world free and far from discrimination, for their rights and for those of all, everyone, the fourteenth march of Pride Mazatlán 2023 took place, full of color and brightness.

The march began from the Sánchez Taboada square, along the entire boardwalk, towards the monument to the family, divided into contingents; young and old, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, transvestites, transgender, intersex, queer, asexual and more, all united for a more diverse Mazatlán.

A giant flag adorned the beginning of what would be the cry of hope and freedom, each one identified as they feel best, within the happiness that abounds them for being themselves, without prejudice and waving their flags.

Glitter, long dresses, short dresses, on top of horses, striking eyes that sought the gaze of those who saw them from the Malecón, accompanied by applause, shouts and rainbow flags that began to be given as part of the same empathy that is sought.

Some 10 floats drew more attention than a march, it became a party, where more than one took the opportunity to seal their love in front of the rest of the world.

Miss Mickey, queen of Pride 2023, proud to be a trans Mazatlan, waved her flag from side to side, happy, dancing and entertaining to the rhythm of Lady Gaga, an artist who has become a banner for the community.

Certified hotels, allied restaurants and bars, activists and entire families supporting their relatives, sisters taking videos and photos of their sisters, who paraded in costumes made by themselves and who, within the diversity, felt full of receiving support.

The tour ended at the Monument to the Family, where the young people chose to continue the party, and in the Valentinos roundabout they took their best steps, happy to be visible, without being judged, joining the people who identify themselves in the same way because “love is love”.

Mickey’s coronation was held at Plaza Pacífica in Zona Dorada, where drags participated with unique shows, local groups such as Las Chelas, Momorán sang, and Mickey Cundapí herself presented her first single.

Source: Punto