The sky of the bay shone with the traditional “Naval Combat” in Mazatlan

Photo: OEM

The traditional Naval Combat that takes place every year during the Mazatlan Carnival pays tribute to the battle of ‘La Cordeliere’ that took place on March 26, 28, and 31 of the distant year 1864, that is, almost 160 years ago. The sky of the bay of the port shone with the Naval Combat

Starting at 11:00 p.m., the fireworks attracted the attention of the thousands of people who came to the Olas Altas promenade to witness the spectacle

The attendees of the event enjoyed the Naval Combat in a big way in the company of their loved ones, to be able to witness this traditional show that is one of the oldest customs of the Mazatlan International Carnival.

Dozens of families, friends, and couples were watching how the sea in Buenos Aires bay was illuminated while they walked the Claussen promenade and the Olas Altas promenade as best they could.

The detonations began at exactly 11:00 p.m., making the fireworks show last about 30 minutes of the pure show, causing the carnival fervor to ignite even more a few hours after the first parade of the Mazatlan International Carnival ‘Deja Vu, 125 years of tradition’.

While some laughed, others recorded with their cell phones and took photos for their social networks to be able to show off the Naval Combat, which gained more strength this year, since people were able to return to normality, after the Covid-19 pandemic.

Once the event was over, people began to clap and whistle, while others began to dance to the sound of the band that was in Olas Altas, and still, others were down on the hills to enjoy the town festival.

A Mazatlan couple expresses that previously they used to come together to this festivity, but it was in 2017 when they left because their first child was on the way, and now with a 5-year-old child among them, they enjoyed returning to enjoy the fight in the company of the little one, which they hope will continue this tradition.

Source: OEM

The Mazatlan Post