Craft beer producers are closed in Sinaloa


This scenario occurs because Congress has not approved a reform in the alcohol law that allows its production.

Culiacan, Sin.- Around 20 Sinaloan craft brewers have had to stop their production, because the work they do is not contemplated in the Alcohol Law. Likewise, the closure of the entrepreneurs began to take place after the Beer Fest was held, in mid-November.

“I think we are the only two states that do not have that craft beer production permit. So it is not that the department is closing just because, they have the elements because it is not legal here,” declared Laura Guzmán Torróntegui, president of the CANIRAC.

Likewise, she explained that this has become a great limit for producers, because instead of approaching brewers and training them so that their product is quality made, they are forced to stop production and close the curtains.

The initiative in the freezer

On the other hand, she commented that this issue has already been addressed in Congress, with the purpose of legislating a law that allows the production of craft beer.

She highlighted that even the president of the Political Coordination Board of the State Congress, Feliciano Castro Meléndrez, presented an initiative on this matter, however, it is time that it is not approved.

“What is missing is business vision, so that Sinaloa can take the leap like other states, and that a decree be made so that they can continue working,” concluded the president of CANIRAC.

Source: El sol de Mazatlan