Head of Sedectur highlights the importance of private investment in the destination this year, in which the restaurant sector has not been left behind.
MAZATLAN. – Mazatlán experienced a year 2022 with significant growth in terms of private investment, not only in terms of development of real estate and hotel projects, but also in the gastronomic part that became one of the pillars of the economy of the tourist destination, he said Ricardo Velarde Cárdenas, head of the Secretariat for Economic Development, Tourism and Fisheries (Sedectur).
He stressed that the opening of shopping malls and restaurants throughout the municipality has been very important, so it is expected to close the year with positive figures, especially due to the diversification that exists, when leaving areas such as the Historic Center, the Golden Zone or Malecón, but every day there are more openings in new subdivisions and even restaurants in rural areas.
“This growth brings challenges like everything else, because in the different sectors there is a lot of battle on the issue of human resources, especially in the qualified and trained, and it is one of the challenges that the government, the business chambers have to work on also, so that the population in general sees the range of opportunities that exist”, he said.
The municipal official pointed out the importance that the authorities, chambers and the academy all work hand in hand, with the only sense that there are specializations and that it can be promoted based on the “boom” that the tourism sector has; even more so due to the shortage of personnel in the sector, like construction, due to the lack of personnel, despite the fact that wages have increased between 30 and 40 percent in the last two years.
He expressed that he sees the competition that exists in the port as very positive, since only in this way has it been possible to improve in terms of employee salaries, but above all as a businessman he has noticed that salaries have leveled out to those of other cities such as in Guadalajara.
One of the important axes of the Secretariat, his position, has been not only to promote the opening of businesses, but also to train small business entrepreneurs to formalize and establish themselves in commercial premises, together with the Sedectur business incubator.
Meeting of results with the governor
On another issue, he pointed out that he held a meeting on Wednesday with the governor Rubén Rocha Moya, where the results of the work carried out were announced, since for the state president, he added, the growth of the port is very important.
In addition, he gave him an account of the promotion of Formula 1 at the Mexico City Grand Prix, and incidentally asked him to strengthen the theme for the next Mazatlan Carnival 2023.
He commented that they will work hand in hand with Raúl Rico González, director of the Municipal Institute of Culture, Tourism and Arts, in what will be the promotion of the biggest party in Mazatlán, with double the state budget for it, given the interest to maintain and improve it with the only slogan of increasing the number of visitors to the biggest party in town.