What was feared! Merchants ask that the cycle path of the Malecón be eliminated


Parking spaces returned to the City Center

MAZATLAN. – After the return of the parking spaces in the Historic Center, merchants and fishermen from Playa Norte ask for the same for that area.

The president of the Union of Merchants of Playa Norte, María del Rosario Flores Galindo, called on the substitute mayor, Édgar González Zataráin, to visit them and verify first-hand the problems they face because of the bike lane.

“I hope they put a parking space, because we really need it,” they said.

The merchant pointed out that Mazatlán has a lot of tourist influx, especially on weekends, but sales are not as expected, falling by up to 50 percent since the summer, so they estimate the arrival of winter vacations to recover. 

“We want tourism to visit us, we are waiting for you here in Mazatlan, we have someone who will fry your fish, fresh and cheap fish, because we give by the kilo. We ask the president who came in to come and see our needs, it would be very helpful, ”he indicated. 

The Mazatlán Malecón cycle path between 2019 and 2020, gave space to people who came to ride a bicycle and for workers in the hotel sector who travel in that vehicle.

North Beach Project

In September, the Ministry of Economic Development, Tourism and Fisheries of Mazatlan announced the remodeling of that area, to give it a better view, especially the kiosk that is located there and is used by the fishermen themselves.

The Mazatlan Post