The Mazatlán Nursing School sponsored First Aid course


With the purpose of developing theoretical-practical knowledge, within the framework of the 55th anniversary of the Mazatlán Nursing Academic Unit and the University Knowledge Day 2022, the Course-Workshop “Rescue Brigades and First Aid ”.

Alma Delia Frayre de la O, Director of the campus in the South Regional Unit, specified that the course will allow the reinforcement of knowledge, skills, and abilities; this around the Nursing Learning Unit in Emergencies and Disaster Situations, which is found in the undergraduate curriculum in the fifth semester, following the guidelines established by external evaluation agencies.

“We base ourselves on the 2025 Institutional Development Plan, where axis 5 stipulates the connection and what we have to comply with according to the work carried out by the University Welfare Unit, through established programs so that we have security” .

For his part, Christian Omar Ramírez Peraza, Civil Protection Consultant at Red Code Mazatlán, explained that the course, in addition to reinforcing their knowledge, also complements the tools to face disaster situations that may arise in the country.

“The number one objective of the course is that they have essential tools to help save lives (…) The emergency brigade and civil protection courses are not unique to a related subject, which is nursing, they are for the entire university community and all people, because the time they help us saving in the intervention is key to saving a life”, highlighted the emergency specialist.

The event held in the Multipurpose Room of the Mazatlan Academic Tower, was held to encourage the active participation of 8 groups with around 40 third-year students, in matters of natural or provoked disasters; through topics such as patient evaluation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, hemorrhage control and more aspects supported with simulators and mannequins.

The Mazatlan Post