Beware of rickettsiosis! There are 50 cases in Sinaloa


A child is admitted to the Sinaloa Pediatric Hospital for rickettsiosis, a disease caused by a tick bite that is in a delicate situation.

The Secretary of Health, Cuitláhuac González Galindo, reported that in Sinaloa there are about 50 cases of rickettsiosis, alerting the population and treating animals prone to ticks.  

He mentioned that, so far, there have been no deaths in this regard, however, if there is a minor who is hospitalized at the Sinaloa Pediatric Hospital and who is in a delicate state due to complications from it.  

“The evaluations have already been done, he came out with a problem called rickettsiosis, the problem is that he had a pathology called vasculitis. He is already undergoing treatment, obviously, he is delicate, but it is slow, he has improved, but he is still delicate, ”he said. 

González Galindo pointed out that, although it is not an alert problem like others, they are evaluating the epidemiological behavior, especially in areas where the highest incidence is detected or cases of rickettsiosis emerge. 

What do you recommend? 

The Secretary of Health called on the population to maintain hygiene in their pets and animals, to fumigate patios, and to be alert if in any case, a neighboring house presents cases.  

“Above all, they are diseases that are caused by ticks, we have to take care of that part, we cannot prevent a child from getting close to a little animal, but we can ask families to take care of their pets so that they do not get those things,” he said.  

What is rickettsiosis? 

Tick-borne rickettsioses are a group of diseases with a worldwide distribution whose incidence runs parallel to the development of the cycle of the vector, ticks

Among its symptoms are fever, headache, myalgias, mental confusion, vomiting, and anorexia. Abdominal pain, diarrhea, and cough are seen less frequently.  

The rash affects 90 percent of patients, according to the World Health Organization.  

It appears on the wrists and ankles; within a few hours it can reach the trunk, and involvement of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet is characteristic. Anemia and thrombocytopenia and, less frequently, leukopenia have been described.  

The treatment is carried out with tetracyclines and chloramphenicol, although with certain precautions in young children. Prophylaxis is based on vector control and avoidance of exposure. 


The Mazatlan Post