Which side of Mazatlan is more populated, and who lives there?


Mazatlán continues to grow, and as they say, houses we see people we do not know.

MAZATLAN. – Have you ever wondered in which area of ​​Mazatlan older adults live the most? Where are there more young people? Or, in which area is there more female than male population? If you have these doubts continue reading this article.  

According to the most recent study of the National Housing Inventory 2020 (INV) carried out by INEGI, the southern area of ​​the port is the one with the highest population of adults over 60 years of age, in total it has 42 thousand 105, while the north zone registers a total of 15 thousand 578 elderly people.  

As for young people between 15 and 29 years of age, the southern zone continues to lead with 57,919 young people, on the other hand, the northern zone has a total of 53,234.  

Who are more women or men? 

At the time of the study, the urban area of ​​Mazatlán registered a total of 450 thousand 586 inhabitants, which are distributed as follows: for the northern zone there is a total population of 207 thousand 100 people, of which 105 thousand 822 make up the female population and 100 thousand 342 male population.   

In the southern zone, there are 243 thousand 486 inhabitants and it is divided into 124 thousand 633 for the female population and 117 thousand 463 for the male population.  

The study also reflects that the southern zone registers a higher rate of people with disabilities with 12 thousand 383 people, compared to the north zone which registered 5 thousand 67. 

Here are some items for you to make your own comparison 

Indicator Name  North Zone Zone Sur 
Total dwellings 82 mil 124 93 mil 786  
private  79 mil 589  92 mil 662  
with drainage  62 mil 175  74 534 
with electric power 62 mil 344 74 mil 708  
With health service  62 mil 098  74 mil 388 

Data captured from the 2020 National Housing Inventory


The National Housing Inventory (INV) integrates statistical information with a territorial vision, on housing, population and urban environment. It considers the construction of indicators that characterize the dwelling and the people who inhabit it, in different geographical breakdowns: at the locality level for those with less than 2,500 inhabitants; and at the block level for localities with 2,500 or more inhabitants, municipal capitals and localities with blocks close to localities with 5,000 or more inhabitants. 

The MAzatlan POst