Mazatlan real estate agents will be licensed and trained to avoid irregularities in the sector


In Mazatlan they work on a regulation that allows avoiding irregularities in the sector.

Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- Now that the Law for the Provision of Real Estate Services has been approved in Sinaloa, it will seek to train advisors to avoid fraud in the purchase and sale of real estate.

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Roberto Carlos Arellano Osorio, president of the Mexican Association of Real Estate Professionals of Mazatlán, stressed that this law will safeguard the investment of people in the state of Sinaloa, since it intends to certify all real estate advisors to avoid fraud in the purchase-sale of real estate.

“This law is a benefit for citizens and for the real estate sector, for us this law will generate a certainty of certification in which we will obtain a license to practice as real estate agents, which will allow us to safeguard the investment of people who want to invest in Sinaloa and especially in Mazatlan,” he said.

Deputies unanimously voted for the Law on the Provision of Real Estate Services. 

Arellano Osorio stated that the most important thing is that the law is already there, it will only be necessary to work on the regulation, in which the rules that generate this process will have to be determined.

“So we will be looking to intervene in people who are committing illegalities, who are not within the regulations and who do not comply with the legal rules generated by the State, remember that to be a real estate agent, we have to be trained in the legal, fiscal, commercialization and, above all, customer service”, he expressed.



The leader of the AMPI in Mazatlan reported that this law will be published shortly in the Official Gazette of the State of Sinaloa and after that, there are 90 business days for it to be exercised.

During this period, training will be sought so that the members of this group begin to put together the file, which allows them to be ready when the license arrives.

The state of Sinaloa becomes the 21st nationwide to have the Law for the Provision of Real Estate Services.

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The Mazatlan Post