This Will Be the Decade for Mazatlan in Tourism, Says “Pity” Velarde


*Recovery of 30% compared to 2019

*Mazatlán is also the rural area: “Seuz”

While Ricardo Velarde, Secretary of Economic Development, Tourism and Fisheries, pointed out that from 2020 to 2030 it will be the “decade for Mazatlán” in economy, tourism and gastronomy; The local president of Canirac, Rodrigo Becerra, affirmed that this first semester there has been a recovery in the economy of 30 percent comparable to the year 2019, because the pandemic came later.

Meanwhile, Roberto Osuna, the “Seuz”, owner of the country restaurant La Vaca Lupe, in the union of La Noria, pointed out the importance that the municipal authorities and Canirac have given emphasis to gastronomy and entrepreneurs in the area rural. Today, after two restaurants, there are eight in the community of La Noria, stressed the former PAN councilor and Buenos Aires leader of that party.

Rodrigo Becerra summoned the media to a breakfast at the exclusive Presidio restaurant, in the Historic Center of Mazatlan, to report on the achievements of the past gastronomic show in the Sister Cities Park, which caused positive synergies for the Mazatlan restaurant sector and, incidentally, of benefit to the rural area by the diffusion of tourist circuits.

He even announced a second gastronomic sample, as a special guest the gastronomy of the state of Coahuila, for the days of October 21 to 23.

In the question and answer session with the journalists, the speakers agreed that Mazatlan is doing very well in tourism, hotels, gastronomy and other economic niches. They recognized flaws such as the lack of training in gastronomy and that there is no chef and qualified personnel.

Ricardo “Pity” Velarde recalled the experiences in the Merida Tourist Tianguis and that the government of Mazatlan is there to make things easier for those interested in promoting Buenos Aires tourism; Roberto Osuna insisted that Mazatlán is not just the tourist area, the Malecón or the Historic Center, there is also the rural area with its magical communities, restaurants and natural places.


The Mazatlan Post