People who do not wear their face mask were prohibited from entering the Municipal Palace and it is constantly checked that inside they do not remove it or lower it.
Mazatlan Sinaloa. – Now if things are going seriously, the Mayor’s Office, through its inspectors from the Commerce Subdirectorate, issued instructions and official letters to all businesses, markets, and shops in Mazatlan so that they comply with the entry filters and the health protocols before the fifth wave of COVID-19 infections.
The head of the area, Nayla Adilene Velarde Narváez, reported that in just one day, 28 sanctions were applied to different municipal market tenants for failing to comply with the sanitary filters, especially because they serve customers without the mask.
“Many fines have been made in markets precisely because people continue to travel without face masks”
How many fines?
Yesterday we had 28 fines only in the Centro market, in the Juárez market and in the Juan Carrasco market,” he said.
In fact, people who do not wear their face masks are prohibited from entering the Municipal Palace and it is constantly checked that inside they do not remove it or lower it, as a preventive action, said officer (police) Alfredo Tobar, group leader of the enclosure.
“More than anything it is to prevent, right now there are several cases of COVID; So, to prevent because people have already been a little careless”
“… So, right now the measure was taken to ask people to wear their face mask in what is here in the Palace, and already leaving the Palace, it is your decision if you want to remove it or not,” he indicated.
Likewise, Velarde Narváez specified that the Mayor’s Office went to the shopping malls, and is reviewing each of the premises so that they comply with the entry filters, which is the application of the gel, the taking of temperature and requiring the use of the face mask to achieve break the chain of infection.