These are the best restaurants in Mazatlan


Rodrigo Becerra Rodríguez takes protest to continue at the head of Canirac for the third consecutive year.

MAZATLÁN.- The port experienced an evening among the best of the best in the restaurant sector, announcing the winners of the recognitions of the National Chamber of the Restaurant Industry and Seasoned Foods.

The winners were Mané restaurant, as revelation of the year; in Mexican Concepts, the winner was El Mesón de Los Laureanos; the restaurant with the Greatest Tradition was won by El Parador Español; while Chef Gilberto del Toro was recognized for his career.

In addition, the restaurateur Óscar Tirado Villanueva was recognized as Restaurateur of the Year and tribute was paid to Rafael Rivera for the legacy and the mark he left on the tourism sector in Mazatlán and Sinaloa.

Going for its third year in a row

Rodrigo Becerra Rodríguez, took office as president of the National Chamber of the Restaurant Industry and Seasoned Foods of Mazatlán, for the third consecutive year.

In his speech, the leader talked about how he began his term two years ago, almost immediately facing a pandemic that paralyzed the world, which in addition to taking millions of people, left economic havoc.

“The times of prosperity and economic growth for Mazatlan are already a reality, but success and progress do not come without challenges; we cannot grow as an industry or sector, just ‘drawing water for its own harvest’, we have to unite as a community that we are”, he declared.

Becerra Rodríguez pointed out that today another story is being lived, where Mazatlán is pushing hard in every way, positioning itself as one of the fastest-growing tourist destinations in the country, with gastronomy being one of its strongest proposals.

For his part, the Secretary of Economic Development, Tourism and Fisheries, Ricardo Velarde Cárdenas, added that the importance of Mazatlan gastronomy and added that the recovery achieved by Mazatlán in the midst of a global pandemic was what placed it in the first place against other destinations in the country.

“Mazatlán, it is fashionable, it is better than ever and if we continue working hand in hand, we are going to put Mazatlán in the place we want. Let’s keep dreaming and cooking progress, ”he remarked.

The Mazatlan Post