Green is the Word in Property Development


Green property developments are proliferating in Mexico, with properties such as Real Granada in Tecámac boasting features like rainwater harvesting systems for the irrigation of green zones and for washing clothing and dishes. As is the case in many other parts of the world, Mazatlán residents are keen on embracing Planet-friendly products and living in green homes, with many willing to pay more for sustainably sourced products and materials. Whether you are buying or building a home from scratch, make sure your home is a lucrative investment by ensuring it incorporates the following eco-friendly property development features.

Relying on Green Energy

Mexico-based firm, Sanzpont Arquitectura, recently designed an award-winning building called Noom. The latter is covered in foliage and boasts solar panels on its terrace. These panels enable the building to harvest energy, which is particularly important in remote areas that lack energy access. They enable a typical home to save up to $30,000 over the lifetime of this system. Solar energy installation can be seen as an investment in the future. The World Bank predicts that if climate change goes unchallenged, in less than 10 years, an additional 100 million people will be pushed into poverty.

Insulation and Sealing

Sustainable energy involves more than investing in renewable energies. It extends to green investments that raise property values—including optimal insulation and sealing. Heating and cooling can account for up to 50% of a home’s energy usage. Poorly insulated homes and those with windows and doors that are improperly sealed allow cool or warm air to escape, resulting in greater electrical consumption. Property developers can attract buyers by installing insulation under the roof, within the ceiling, and inside walls and floors. Resistive and reflective materials such as Silver Batts, fiberglass, and Air-Cell, are currently trending as they deliver better performance than materials that do not combine these qualities.

Relying on Underfloor Heating

Another way to reduce heating costs is to rely on underfloor heating. This way of keeping dwellers warm and comfy has been found to be between 15% and 20% more efficient than traditional heating systems over a building’s lifetime. In the case of homes with high ceilings, this percentage can rise to a whopping 50%. The pipe coils used in this type of heating can also be used for cooling and they can be installed throughout the entirety of a home’s flooring.

Health and Wellbeing

Green property development embraces the idea that nature can have a positive impact on the health and wellbeing of home dwellers. It embraces biophilic design features, which seek to blur the line between the indoors and outdoors. In addition to filling indoor and outdoor spaces with plants, biophilic design also involves the use of sustainable natural materials like reclaimed wood and bamboo. It also involves encouraging movement through the creation of mysterious ‘nooks’ that invite dwellers to explore. The effect is similar to what you might encounter when you see a large tree, cave, or rock. You may be inspired to walk around it to explore the wonders that lie behind it.

Green is the world in the world of property development, in Mexico and beyond. Sustainable developers are incorporating strategies ranging from solar panels to underfloor heating to reduce the environmental impact of buildings. Biophilic design, meanwhile, is firmly focused on improving human health and wellbeing by bringing natural features into a home.