Pulmonia leader denies that his union is a victim of abuse of authority by police


Ortega Vizcarra understood that sometimes the operators of the pulmonias feel offended when pointing out a road fault, however, he reiterated that they have not received abuse of authority

Mazatlan, Sinaloa. – After some rumors circulated through the port pointing out alleged abuses of authority by the Road and Transportation Delegation, Mariano Ortega Vizcarra, leader of the Pulmonías Cooperative of Mazatlán, suggested that the origin of these rumors come from operators upset by have received a fine.

Ortega Vizcarra defended that the corporation itself has “a means of challenge” in the event that an inspector raises a ticket or a fine in an unjustified manner, arguing that every time a complaint of this type is received, it is solved by annulling the fault, however, in case the operator is really committing a fault, they always resort to the legal route.

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“Well, they have been doing their job of inspection and surveillance, of applying the law. In our case, if someone has been detected committing an infraction, they raise the (…) There is always a means of challenge to advocate or revoke the infractions, fortunately we also have legal resources at hand to, at a given time, if we feel affected, appear there to the contentious court or to the amparo trials”, said the transporter.

He understood that sometimes the operators of the pulmonias feel offended when pointing out a road fault, however, he reiterated that they have not been recipients of police abuse.

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“I here with my people do not have reports, if there are some who have sent me an infraction and who believe that some excess has been committed by the inspectors, but I tell you, if the inspectors do not understand it at that time, they raise the ballot and the truth that almost all those infractions raised irregularly are annulled there in court”, he concluded.

Source: reaccioninformativa.com

The Mazatlan Post