“Sell the rumor, buy the news” movement as it impacts the crypto currency market

Buy the rumor, sell the news, encourage the proposal to capitalize the operations in the market, starting from a position based on a rumor and forecasting a possible event that could cause a change in the markets. The investor will define his position when the news has been published and obtained a favorable benefit.

Rumors directly affect the markets and prices, because investors are governed by the perspective of expert financial analysts, who are responsible for disclosing how to value fluctuations are in the world of electronic commerce.

Crypto currencies are not the exception, nor do they escape from this theory, it is thus, selling the rumor that their values ​​have reached great demands from investors and consequently an increase in their value.

This strategy could be risky, as rumors are constantly not substantial or deliver the desired results.

Today this topic of crypto currency is one of the most controversial in all the information media, since it is the most profitable and demanded form of investment at the moment, there we find from ups and downs to statistics and comparisons between all available cryptocurrencies.

Virtual commerce operates in this way, asset owners spread information and news about increases in values ​​to attract the attention of investors and have a large number of sales and profits, creating strong demand and causing the rise in value that was speculated accurately. Such is the case of Bitcoin and the rest of crypto currencies, where their values ​​are constantly announced for several thousand dollars, thus gaining credibility and profitability to attract the vision of many people interested in this productive business. To know more about bitcoin, you can visit the official site of crypto trader.

If you want to become an investor, it is recommended that you not only believe in rumors, the most appropriate thing is to consult concrete and reliable information, and on this subject, there is a lot that we can find on the web, so that when investing you lean towards the most viable option suggested by statistical and analytical studies by finance experts.

Invest with the ambition to grow your asset, not always letting yourself be carried away by trends, this decision must be as accurate as possible, to minimize risks of loss and seek security when storing and operating your crypto currencies, which can be achieved by following a series of steps already known, such as selecting an efficient wallet, a profitable crypto currency, and dynamic and easy applications for its management.

If you heard a favorable rumor about crypto currencies, it is a good time to buy, you should not take a long time to make the decision after hearing the information, since this works as cause and effect.

The crypto markets are very changeable, it is possible that today the valuations are low, but these new strategies of selling news and creating speculation about revaluations cause assets to reach significant increases in a very short time, this effect causes new investors to put their eye on the line and wish to participate to grow their profits and opt for greater economic profitability.

Generally and by nature, crypto currencies are hypothetical, always based on possible events, a strategy that has produced significant results in virtual commerce.

You should always pay attention to fluctuations in assets, because from there the next event will happen, allowing you to deduce whether it will be favorable or unfavorable to invest.

Rumors do capture people’s attention, sometimes even speculation is believed more than in proven reality, and in this world of digital commerce, it always applies in this way, due to the ambition to earn disproportionately and make a fortune, having success this strategy of selling by rumor.

A good investor will always go with the flow, that is, they will move according to the most significant, reliable, and profitable references that are heard in the crypto currency market.

The most recent example of this type of movement is that of Bitcoin and other cryptos that grew after the minutes of the FED were known. The fact that the Fed has adopted an aggressive attitude towards inflation pleased the markets, as the Fed admitted that he had been wrong about inflation and that he is going to take care, said Peter Cardillo of Spartan Capital, referring to the previous appreciation of the body that considered that the increase in prices in the United States was due to temporary factors. “It is a positive element for the market,” he assured.

The Mazatlan Post