It is located on Carlos Canseco avenue, near the entrance of a private gated community, reported Mayor Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres.
Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- What do you think? Just one was not enough! The Municipality built a new “ mega speed bump ” (like the one on Camarón Sábalo Avenue) now on Carlos Canseco Avenue, near the entrance to a private subdivision in Mazatlán, declared Mayor Luis Guillermo Benítez Torres.

The Municipal President explained that the idea of the new speed bump is to allow the residents of the gated community to go in or out because there is a lot of lack of courtesy and road safety education.

“We already put another one on Canseco Avenue, because of the lack of courtesy and road education, because no one lets those who leave el CID pass.”

With the same dimensions, mayor?
“Not the same, but it is a big speed bump.

If they saw the crash there (on Camarón Sabalo avenue) the problem was speeding and we cannot be responsible for their actions ”, he indicated.

The municipality defended that the “mega topes” are not the culprits of road accidents, rather, he said, the incidents have been the result of a combination of speeding and alcohol, in light of this the government can do nothing.