The Gran Fondo Mazatlán and the Mazatlán Basketball Cup achieved that the hotels are at their maximum hotel occupancy, with visitors from all over the country
MAZATLÁN.- We have told you on a couple of occasions, nobody stops Mazatlán and despite being the low season, weekends in the port shine to the top and one of the segments that stand out is sports tourism, which only this weekend it will leave an economic spill over 20 million pesos.
These are two large events, the Gran Fondo Mazatlán, an event that will bring together at least 300 cyclists from all over the country, estimating that the perceived spill is around 1.5 million pesos; the other is the Mazatlán Basketball Cup, an event with 120 teams of children and young people from states such as Aguascalientes, Mexico City, Baja California and Baja California Sur, among other states.
José Gámez Valle, Marketing Director of the Association of Hotels and Tourism Companies of Mazatlán, mentioned that these events achieved 100 percent of the allowed hotel occupancy, however, this occupancy movement has been working since October.
“Without a doubt, they are events that have a certain level and that is what we are looking for, in fact Mazatlán is also distinguished at the national level, I believe that there is no beach tourist destination, no one like Mazatlán that has so many events throughout the year ”He declared.
Gámez Valle added that the football stadium, the “Kraken” has managed to keep sports tourism from diminishing, with fans of teams that have managed to position themselves internationally, in addition to the tourism that baseball also generates, which although it is tourism more regional it does have mobility.
The entrances of the hotels keep buses, whole families who come to support their teams, vans with equipment for bicycles, some arrived since yesterday and others, although they are just arriving, they have even taken the panoramic photograph of “Mazatlán” .
The time to invest has arrived
For Gámez Valle, the name of Mazatlán is latent, considering that the time has come for national and foreign investors to bet on it, since it is being recognized that in addition to conventional tourism, there is sports, business and even cultural tourism, in addition to tourism. foreigner who comes year after year.
“The name of Mazatlán is very latent, now the time has come for investors to look back at Mazatlán and make strong investments in the destination,” he added.