Mazatlan’s Pizzas Down reopens, place your orders


MAZATLAN. – In July the Pizzas Down project emerged, thanks to the funding in different pharmaceutical chains, and guidance of the Down Foundation of Mazatlán AC, five months later, it continues.

The objective with which it emerged is to be able to integrate children with this syndrome into the workforce.

The young people explained to Punto MX that the orders are taken on Friday and they are delivered on Saturday.

Deliveries are made on Saturdays from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and have a cost of 150 pesos with two ingredients, and 180 pesos for the Mexican. They are all family size.

The place where they cook pizza is located next to Hotel De Cima.

May be an image of 1 person, pizza and text that says '¡¡Ya están aquí las deliciosas pizzas!! FUNDACION DOWN MAZATLAN TODOS LOS SABADOS TENDREMOS VENTA DE PIZZAS, ELABORADAS POR LOS CHICOS DE LA FUNDACIÓN PARA RECAUDAR FONDOS Y TERMINAR DE EQUIPAR NUESTRA COCINA Y CUBRIR OTRAS NECESIDADES DE LA FUNDACIÓN. ORDENA AL 6691960340 Y 6691138576 Recoge el sábado de en el Hotel de Cima a 2 ingredientes Mediana $130 Grande $150 Especiales $20 más Hawaianay Mexicana Med. $150y Gde. $170 INGREDIENTES: JAMON. CHAMPINONES PEPPERONI TOCINO. SALCHICHA'

Those who like to receive more information about the pizzeria, make donations or find out about knowing someone who needs support or guidance, can call 6691960340 or enter the Facebook page: Fundación Down Mazatlán AC