Mazatlan 2022 Carnival ready, the theme will be presented Nov 26th


Jose Angel Tostado, director of the Institute of Culture revealed that two of the four artists who will perform are about to sign a contract


MAZATLÁN.- The director of the Mazatlán Institute of Culture, José Ángel Tostado Quevedo, reported that there is already a theme for the 2022 Mazatlán International Carnival, but this will be revealed until November 26. 

He pointed out that although the event is subject to the conditions of the epidemiological traffic light, the carnival must be prepared months in advance so they have already been working on the preparations to hire the artists who would be performing at the different coronations of the kings and queens the popular Mazatlan party. 

Conociendo Mazatlán 🇲🇽 on Twitter: "El Carnaval Internacional de #Mazatlán  2022 ya tiene fecha y será del 24 se febrero al 01 de Marzo.… "

He expressed that Culture received from the Municipal Government a resource of 4 million pesos to begin with the negotiations of the 4 invited singers. Without providing details of the musical genres and names, he announced that 2 artists are already signing a contract.  

“We are already in progress, we are working. Carnival is a very important party, so we have to continue regardless of whether or not it takes place at the end. I have already told you, the carnival has to be prepared months before. ” 

Tostado Quevedo indicated that they are planning that the “El Kraken” football stadium be a space for the coronation concerts to take place there.

🏅 CARNAVAL de MAZATLÁN 2022 | Fechas, Eventos & Más

On November 26, the faces of the candidates who will be participating to be part of the history of Carnival royalty will also be announced. In the first week of December they will present the singers and also the dynamics that will be used for the delivery of tickets. 

En Mazatlán habrá Carnaval pero valoran cancelar desfile, anuncia Alcalde  Luis Guillermo Benítez | El Heraldo de México


The Mazatlan Post