It was from the second week of September when the daily case rate fell to less than 100, and as of last Monday, Sinaloa was decreed at the epidemiological traffic light in ‘green’.
Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- The trend in the number of infections by Covid-19 has a considerable drop in Sinaloa, specifically in the southern states. It is said that this third wave was even stronger than the first and second.
It was from the second week of September when the daily case index fell to less than 100 and as of this past Monday, the Ministry of Health decreed Sinaloa in the positioning of the epidemiological traffic light in ‘green’.
Until yesterday at 5:00 p.m., the entity registered 97 new patients of which 4 were for Mazatlán and 6 for Escuinapa, in the southern municipalities.
With the infections added yesterday, Mazatlán maintains an average of 62 cases, Escuinapa 7, while Rosario and Concordia maintain 1 case each municipality.
At the beginning of the pandemic, during the first months of 2020, public and private hospitals prepared with 1,570 beds enabled in all Sinaloa to treat patients with Coronavirus.
Although in this third wave almost 100 percent was occupied due to a high rate of infections, until yesterday only 168 beds are occupied, which represents only 11 percent, according to data from the Sinaloa Health Secretariat.
Although this third wave is practically on the way out, the authorities continue to recommend that the population keep the prevention guidelines to avoid possible infections.
Thye Mazatlan Post