Mexico receives 391 refugees from Afghanistan, including minors


The government has received a total of 391 Afghans for humanitarian reasons in the last week alone.

Mexico received a group of 175 Afghans among independent media workers, activists, and journalists, along with their families, who fled after the Taliban took control of the Asian country, the foreign ministry announced on Wednesday.

The new group of refugees, including 75 minors, is the fourth that Mexico receives and arrived on Tuesday at the international airport of the Mexican capital on an Egypt Air flight, the Ministry of Foreign Relations said in a statement.

The Mexican embassies in Egypt, Iran and the United Arab Emirates, as well as the Egyptian government, collaborated for the trip of the new group of Afghans. The government has received a total of 391 Afghans for humanitarian reasons in the last week .

The foreign ministry said it expects other groups of Afghan citizens to arrive in the country in the coming days.

While the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has hardened in recent months the reception policies of thousands of Central American, Haitian, Cuban and Venezuelan migrants who have entered the country with the aim of reaching the United States, in the case of Afghans it was announced that political asylum would be granted to all who required it.

Mexico Daily Post