Approval and credibility of AMLO registered a large decrease



The approval and credibility of the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, registered a large decrease, according to the results of the last July survey by  Arias Consultores. This survey was conducted from July 29 to August 2, 2021, by social networks to 18,650 Mexican citizens.

Mexicans believe that the Federal Government is doing poorly in the fight against corruption and economic development and employment in Mexico according to 51.6% and 52.7% of those surveyed respectively.

In addition, the perception of insecurity in Mexico continues to grow constantly, with at least 83.2% of those surveyed feeling this way, while only 16.8% say they feel safe living in the country. San Luis Potosí is the state with the highest percentage of insecurity, with 9 out of 10 citizens feeling unsafe.

The president’s credibility had a drop of more than -5.9%, being perceived as honest by 54.6%, while 2 out of 5 Mexicans consider him a liar. 

Michoacán is the state that most believes in the word of Andrés Manuel with 76.9%, while at the other extreme CDMX is maintained with only 30.4%, that is, it is considered by 4 out of 5 citizens of that entity as a liar.

The approval of the president also registered a considerable loss of -6.4%, being approved only by 54.0% of Mexicans. The state of Michoacán stood out for being the state with the highest percentage of approval, being approved by 8 out of 10 Michoacans. While CDMX remains the entity with the highest percentage of disapproval.

The image of the president had declined in 27 of the 32 entities in Mexico. Veracruz registered the largest loss with -22.4%, as did Aguascalientes with -17.2%, while Michoacán was the state that generated the highest approval, increasing + 9.8% since the last month, a fact that was reflected by being the state with the highest percentage of approval.

For more information, download the full report of the evaluation carried out by Arias ConsultoresFULL REPORT

In a separate survey by Mitofsky

Between June and July 2021, the average approval of the head of the federal Executive, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, decreased from 58 to 57%, as shown by the data from the measurement on presidential approval carried out by Mitofsky for El Economista.

With regard to his level of disapproval, AMLO had an increase from 41 in June to 43% in the month that ended.

Last April, the president obtained his best approval (61%) since October 2019 when he registered 63 percent. Businessmen are the ones who most disapproved of the federal Executive in July (62.2%), while peasants are the ones who most endorsed the president (76.6%).


Mexico Daily Post