Young people in Mazatlan participate in the “Garbage Challenge”


Mazatlán, Sinaloa.- The Municipal Institute of Youth (IMJU) in Mazatlán, in coordination with the Municipal Ecology Directorate, implemented the Garbage Challenge campaign, on the banks of the El Infiernillo estuary.

The second waste collection challenge began at the junction of Río Piaxtla and Circunvalación, in the Estero neighborhood, next to the vehicular bridge.

Luis Arnulfo Vargas Montes, director of IMJU, stressed that it is important to create an ecological culture in young people so that they are aware of the importance of caring for ecosystems.

“This is the second Garbage Challenge that has been carried out this year, and of course we are going to continue inviting the other dependencies and also youth organizations to join us in taking care of the environment in Mazatlán, where we have abundant and rich natural resources,” Vargas Montes said.

Míriam Isaraí Rodríguez Paniagua, director of Municipal Ecology, said that only by adding efforts can great things be done for the benefit of nature.

“There are sanctions for those who throw garbage into the estuary, as it is in fact a federal zone that is being turned into a garbage settlement. We need citizens to support us to spread the word, to be on the lookout and report to Public Security all those who litter, so they can be sanctioned,” he stressed.

During the Garbage Challenge campaign all kinds of plastics, household goods, clothing, furniture and electrical appliances were collected.

Source: Debate

The Mazatlan Post